Random Thoughts

One two three four… I declare a dance war! (it should be noted that the dance war declaration did not get formal congressional approval)

Woohoo! New Supreme Court nominee battle! As the Swedish chef would say: Bork Bork Bork

I’ll say it again: Robo-SCOTUS! “Does not compute with Constitution.”

It excuses all sorts of rude behavior if you believe everyone against you is a nazi.

There will be no hate, no violence and we’ll all be together as one when we’re all collapsed into a singularity.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me four beers.

With all these baby expenses coming up, I really should have had a fundraiser on IMAO so I could afford an iPad.

I want one of the first things baby sees to be the iPad so he knows it’s the future and not like ’80s or something.

When I was born, Carter was president, so me and my child will have something similar to bond over.

Obama’s current short list for SCOTUS: Michael Moore, William Ayers, Hugo Chavez

If speed walking is an Olympic sport, why don’t they have slow running?

Favorite kind of Paul: Saint. Least favorite kind: Ron.

When cultures no longer have the courage to stand up for themselves, they die.

The taco supreme gets its name from having the favorite toppings of members of the Supreme Court.

LIBERALS!!!! ::shakes fist:: (I do that at least once a day)

“Anakin, be careful of your friend Palpatine.” “And also of your pal Friendpatine.” -Revenge of the Sith Rifftrax

Love how the opening of Life ends with a monkey dramatically smashing something with a rock.


  1. -Sympathy is good pretend help for pretend problems. A box full of hugs and rainbows is useless for someone with real problems.

    -“Life” has been pretty good. Whales and Komodo dragons we saw last night were pretty awesome. Although I weary of the PG version of nature shows so I am looking for some more “raw” nature series.

    -People judge based on actions and words. I judge others by their assumed premises and reactions under pressure.

    (NSFW – Random Thoughts)

    -Can I get the phrase “She wants to sit on his mushroom” to catch on?

    -White or black rich or poor, we are all slaves to the [feline euphemism for female genitalia].

  2. When I was born, Carter was president, so me and my child will have something similar to bond over.

    Yeah, but will your child have a second incarnation of Ronald Reagan to save the country after Obama?

  3. When I was born, Carter was president, so me and my child will have something similar to bond over.

    Yeah, but will your child have a second incarnation of Ronald Reagan to save the country after Obama?

    Man, I sure hope so.

  4. The iPad makes a great changing pad. Absorbs all those yucky fluids when a diaper gets replaced.

    I thought the taco supreme was Obama’s last SCOTUS pick.

    A culture defend it self? Liberals have fought that for generations. It’s how we got Teh One. A culture standing up for itself woul;d never have elected a pal of Ayers, Alinsky, Wright, et al.

    Et al is NOT the official Isreali airline.

  5. If you have a fund raiser I’ll send what ever I can afford to contribute to your worthy cause. However, you must remember I’m a middle class tax payer….will a dollar ninety-eight help?

  6. So your kid will have an ipad? Make sure he wears a helmet 24×7 and you name him Birch Tree or something totally cool! He will be a tough little guy by the time he is in 2nd grade…getting beat up every day makes one tough

  7. cmblake6,

    I was in the USAF when Carter was elected. And I bet today’s military people have the same exact opinion of Obama that we had of Carter back then: Blithering-Idiot-In-Chief.

  8. OOOHHHHHH FRNAK! You are SO in for a rude awakening! Whatever you envision its going to be like when your child arrives……. well lets just say …..epic fail on the envisioning. You should get anything you want to get now BEFORE the child arrives…. cause after that….. well just keep in mind anything you purchase for yourself takes away from the “family”. For some reason this only applies to the male of familial equation. Short Story long…if’n you wantz a ipaddy, you bess get one now. Trust me on this one…. Im not tellin ya untrue. On the opposite side of the coin, you’ll realize that any price paid is acceptable for the benefit you recieve from having a healthy, happy child & family.

    Any here disagree? I give you xmas morning in the average american family ….. what did you receive compared to what Dad received?

  9. Yep…Carter in office, me overseas, and congress can’t seem to get the budget done so we could get paid. I got my discharge about a month and a half before the Hostages got taken in Iran. I voted for Reagan in spite of his governorship of my home state.

  10. I also served under Carter.
    (for about a year, then Renaldus Magnus took over and things got better).
    A form of silent protest I saw frequently stuck up in work spaces at that time:

    “We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing,
    are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.
    We have done so much, with so little, for so long,
    That we are now qualified to do everything with nothing.”

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