Random Thoughts

Has any leftie columnist writing about overheated rhetoric and possible right-wing violence ever done so in an introspective way? For instance, has any said, “Here’s where we in the left went overboard in the past and the right needs to avoid that mistake.”?

Is it really inconceivable to the left that someone earning $40,000 a year would care if the rich are being unfairly taxed?

“Your rhetoric that is devastating us in the polls, you need to stop it before it causes violence.” Sound like a threat, actually.

In tough economic times, it’s nice to know we can still afford the luxury of someone whose job is to say “Hi” to us when we enter Walmart.

Can’t the left and right unite and agree to blame everything wrong in this country on fat kids?

After McCain is reelected, how long do you think it will be until he’s infuriating conservatives again? A week? A day? An hour?

“Previously on Lost: Actually, if you haven’t been watching all the episodes until now, don’t even bother.”

For Earth Day, I’m going to spend the entire day on Earth.


  1. Has any leftie columnist writing about overheated rhetoric and possible right-wing violence ever done so in an introspective way? For instance, has any said, “Here’s where we in the left went overboard in the past and the right needs to avoid that mistake.”?

    One tried to do so, but he was beaten by SEIU workers before he could publish his article.

    After McCain is reelected, how long do you think it will be until he’s infuriating conservatives again? A week? A day? An hour?

    He’s being so shameless. I expect him to moon us within a minute of reelection.

  2. Is it really inconceivable to the left that someone earning $40,000 a year would care if the rich are being unfairly taxed?

    Yes. It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways, inconceivable.

    Out of curiosity, why do you ask?

  3. In tough economic times, it’s nice to know we can still afford the luxury of someone whose job is to say “Hi” to us when we enter Walmart.

    I hate to burst your bubble (actually I don’t), but people are less likely to shoplift if they are greeted eye-to-eye on the way into a store. That’s why we still have greeters. Have you shoplifted at a Wal Mart lately? See what I mean?

    Yes. It would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways, inconceivable.

    Out of curiosity, why do you ask?

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  4. -I love a good adventure story with interesting characters. We have seen every lost episode about 2-4 times. Even we sometimes forget parts of the story. Some of that is because they sometimes try too many gimmicks or shortcuts in the writing that either leaves the story tedious or incoherent. It is still the best story telling on TV IMAO.

    -I love the smell of burning tree wood. I wonder what tree huggers….. if they also like it.

    -Having assumed that the right and left are eyeballs deep in lies/deceptions/hyperbole about each other I am frequently surprised how often the parties are right about each others fringe factions. The only difference I see is that the lefts fringe is running government and media and the rights fringe is running the oil change on maple street next to the Kroger. That is why right now I fear the left far more then I do the right.

  5. Obviously the left hates Palin because they are sexists.

    Oh they pretend to disagree with her about issues but, its obviously just that they all want women barefoot, pregnant, and dependent on welfare.

  6. I wanted to show how stupid the “we only disagree with Barry because we are racist” argument is. But, I accidentally ended up making it pretty accurate. That’s the problem with nutters you can say the craziest thing and it ends up being right.

  7. Burmashave, it could be worse. Larryb King could appear in Playboy.

    On Earthday, Iplan to target practice. Shoot the Earth. Return some lead to it’s roots.

    The editorial board at msnbc says no liberal ever went overboard. ever.

    Thefat kids are the source of the threatening leftist rhetoric. Ask Bill Clinton.

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