Reading Is Hard

Eric Holder is really sure the Arizona bill is a bad bill worthy of condemnation even though he never read it. It’s kinda like with the Democrats saying how super important it was to pass the health care bill even though none of them knew what was in it.

So why don’t Democrats read bills? I can think of two possibilities:

1. They have magical psychic powers and can know what’s in a bill without reading it.

2. They’re illiterate.

The politicians often argue they’re just too busy to read all these bills they’re voting on and commenting on. Busy doing what, though? Don’t they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to make laws and enforce laws? Wouldn’t you think part of that generous salary would be maybe reading those laws? What exactly do they do all day to earn their money? They already have these useless jobs where just sit around and talk and occasionally vote; is it really so much to ask they do some honest work and read these important bills? The Arizona one they’re all freaking out about isn’t even that long.

Maybe we should write all our bills in Spanish. Then we can hire illegal aliens to read them since apparently that’s yet another one of those jobs Americans won’t do.

Liberal Media — Now with Cloaking Power!

So a liberal notices that the media focused way more on economic hard times in the early 80’s than they are with similar unemployment now. Kevin Drum really seems baffled by why the left-wing media which hated Reagan was constantly harping on the bad economic times yet that same media is much more subdued when such a focus would seem critical to their liberal golden child. So Kevin Drum puts on his smart person glasses and tries to figure out that conundrum by meticulously analyzing employment patterns.

Makes me think of a guy who wanders into a forest and is surprised to see so many leaves on the ground. So he carefully analyzes the soil and does spectral analysis on it to see if there is some leaf producing thing that could explain the phenomenon. And you just want to grab him and shake him violently and scream, “LOOK UP IN TREES! WHY WON’T YOU JUST LOOK UP AT THE TREES?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW HARD DO YOU HAVE TO WORK TO BE THIS THICK-HEADED?! AHHHH!” And then you shake him until the police drag you away.

So why do so many liberals have such a blind eye to the media’s left-wing bias; why is it so hard for them to acknowledge the sky is blue? My best guess is that if they admitted the media tilts heavily liberal, then that means their ideas actually get an unfair amount of positive focus and yet are still soundly rejected by the public at large, and that’s just too bitter a pill to swallow.

New IMAO T-Shirt Shipping Now!

The new IMAO T-Shirt starts shipping today!

Have you ordered yours yet, or do you want to explain exactly why you support what the Democrats are doing? I am interested in what a positive opinion of Harry Reid sounds like.

But if you don’t like the Democrats you can order my t-shirt and be made instantly happy. Plus anyone wearing an IMAO t-shirt cannot be killed by any man born of woman. Also, money from each IMAO t-shirt sold goes towards buying my Little Princess Buttercup pretty pink things. And maybe if I sell lots of t-shirts, then we can make other ones later or maybe even have a re-release of an old favorite.

So buy now and then share in the comments how that made you smart and happy.

Random Thoughts

The key to not appearing like a fringe nut is learning to hide how irrationally angry you are at everything.

“You’re so clever and funny that if you were a character in a Joss Whedon show, you’d be violently killed.”

I’ll support Kagan for SCOTUS if she promises to use the word “cromulent” in a Supreme Court decision.

Do you think the band on Jupiter that mysteriously disappeared might be a stealth marketing campaign for the Lost finale?

Holder may not have read the Arizona law, but know what laws he also hasn’t read? Those of Nazi Germany.

Is it wrong for us to harp on politicians not reading bills? Adult illiteracy is not funny.

Politics is a lot less stressful when you accept that fact that America was never going to be around forever.

I better get to working on building that clown bed so Princess Buttercup can laugh herself to sleep.