lolbama! Part 40

Sorry this is late. Things are kinda crazy at work right now, what with the boss touring every TV studio in New York.

This week, That One. Next week, terrorists. Submit for either at

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

NOTE TO READERS: Hovering your mouse over the picture activates closed captioning for the l33t-speak/txtmsg impaired.

From John:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Peregrine John:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Aaron:

From bblhead:

From Eric:

From Hart of That Hero:

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Paragon_64:

[reference link]

From SierraBear:

From Turtle of Turtle’s Fun Club:

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

#1: When creating lolbama! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

Action Movie Lines

Right Wing News has a list of the top 50 action movie lines, which got me thinking of why don’t we see action movie lines in real life more often? I guess it’s because people are usually panicky after killing someone and so not as likely to say something clever. Really, you have to be at least somewhat sociopahtic about death to be cracking wise while killing. Plus, killing doesn’t often happen with an audience, and nothing says crazy like killing people and then talking to yourself.

Still, I thought I could come up with some cool action movie lines myself. Try these on:

When shooting someone in the face. “Now you’re dead… IN THE FACE!”

When killing someone after he said something that could be taking as innuendo. “That’s what she bled.”

“Time to bring on the pain… and I don’t mean the window kind! That’s pronounced the same but spelled differently that the pain I am talking about. So, to reiterate, the pain I am bringing is the P-A-I-N kind and has nothing to do with windows… unless I throw you through one. Then I guess pane would be causing you pain… or would you be touching the pane? I forget what part of the window is the pane; is that the glass or the frame? Whoa, what was I talking about again?”

“I have something in my pocket for your face… MY FIST!”

When attacking people with a dinosaur with rocket launchers on it. “You better kiss Jur-ASS-ic goodbye!”

When nuking the moon. “That that… moon!” (Okay I admit that one could use some more work).

“I know what you’re thinking, punk: Did I fire six bullets or only five. Being this is a Glock with seventeen rounds, it’s a moot point, but I’m doing a cognitive psychology study on people’s ability to count in stressful situation. You’ll get twenty dollars to participate. So, do you feel like helping science? Well, do ya, punk?”

Yeah, I’m awesome.

Obama the Dictator

Woody Allen suggested that maybe Obama should be dictator for a while. Creepy pervs do seem to agree that Obama doesn’t have enough power. And it has to frustrate liberals that while they can get elected pretending to be moderate, as soon as they try to do any liberal legislation everyone intensely hates them. But would they want a dictatorship? It would sound even dumber to blame the Republicans for blocking everything in that situation.

Still, I guess I could see Obama getting a cool robe and then calling himself Emperor Obamatine, but I just don’t see how his experience as a community organizer will help him rule through fear. The only real supporters he has left are weenie liberals, and how is Obama going to make them his secret police to keep the populace in line? Effective stormtroopers can’t be scared off anytime someone threatens to turn the garden hose on them.

But if Obama wants to be dictator, I support it. It works for us, because then it would no longer be unpatriotic to depose him.

Election Analysis

So what happened last night? I don’t know; it all caught me by surprise since I didn’t know there was supposed to be elections last night. But stuff happened and it seems to be important. So let’s go over them.


* PA Democrat Primary for Senate: Arlen Specter tried switching parties knowing Republicans hate him, but ends up the Democrats didn’t like him either and nominated a Sleestak over him. Specter’s political career is now over, so he’ll go back to teaching Scottish law. Crist can consider this a preview of what’s going to happen to him, except not as orange.

* PA-12 Special Election: This was a special election to fill the seat Murtha left when he went all dead and what not. Republicans were hoping to pick up this seat and prove doom to the Democrats in November, but they didn’t and now Republicans are huge failures and no one thinks they’ll win anything in November. Then again, Murtha said that his district was full of dumb racist — apparently so racist and so dumb that they’ll vote for someone who calls them dumb racist as long as he keeps bringing other people’s money to the district. So I spit on them. Peh.

* Kentucky Republican Primary for Senate: RAND PAUL! RAND PAUL! RAND PAUL! Yes, Ron Paul’s son — whose name just screams more crazy — is going to be the Republican candidate for Senate in Kentucky. He’ll probably win too, unless the Jews can somehow stop him. Rand Paul is supposed to be less crazy than his father, but I still recommend that if someone identifies himself as an enthusiastic Rand Paul supporter that you back away slowly while avoid eye contact.

* Other Elections: I don’t remember what the other elections were and am too lazy to google them.

So what’s it all mean? Well, Republicans didn’t do very well — especially in Democrat primaries, so tone down your enthusiasm and expect resistance to the Democrats to fizzle and die in November. That may be upsetting, but the Obama administration will soon require us to install chips in our brains that will fix that, so no big problem. And one day I’ll fix things when I run on my “dinosaurs with rocket launchers” platform.

Random Thoughts

At least now we know that those trying to swift boat Blumenthal were lying about his conduct in Vietnam.

So is Rand Paul crazy? His name makes it sound like he’s crazy.

My mom taught me that even if I have a straw that reaches across the room, I shouldn’t drink someone else’s milkshake.

They’re voting to raise taxes in Arizona? Nazis!

If there is one conservative thing about illegal aliens, it’s their blatant disregard for the minimum wage.

That’s it. I’m not watching another episode of Lost. When things slumped in the 3rd season, I said I’d only give them a 120 episodes to give me some answers. Well, tonight was the 120th. I’m still confused, so no more!

People keep saying Buttercup is a silly choice for a middle name for our baby, so we’ll probably just go with Hussein.

How does one get an invitation to the Bilderberg Group? Do I just send them a demo tape of how awesome and powerful I am?

I think we’re going to go ahead and make her middle name Buttercup. We’re probably going to homeschool, so it’s not like the kids at school will make fun of her.

So what occupation do I need to push Buttercup towards to make her name seem the cutest? Astrophysicist? Army Ranger?