Everybody Draw Muhammad Day Winners

Reason has the winners for their Everybody Draw Muhammad Day contest. I like the one where you have to search for Muhammad if you want to be offended. I didn’t draw Muhammad today, but I have a good excuse: I’m lazy.


Sometime its hard to sympathize with fellow human beings. There are those who you just can’t see how they are anything like you and instead they seem like something separate and monstrous. Just like whoever came up with the London Olympics mascots:

I just can’t understand how a fellow human being could have a thought process that would lead to these things.

It seems that Olympic mascots are forgettable, but maybe it’s more like they tend to be so idiotic we tend to suppress remembering them. Whatever happened to just having a guy in lion costume? That’s what we should do next time America hosts the Olympics:

“Here’s our mascot: A guy in a lion costume. We chose him because lions are fierce and stuff. What? You’re asking what his name is? Um… Leo, I guess. That sounds like a lion’s name.”

That would be awesome.

Full Time Artists

Why do you pay so much in taxes? According to Pelosi, it so you can help people quit their jobs and be artists and musicians. Just what this economy needs: More people drawing stuff.

I don’t get the full time artist. Art is supposed to reflect life and truth, but how are you going to know any truth to do art about if you never do anything? You have to have a real job and experiences or all your art will reflect are what other artists think, and I will tell you that no one cares what they think. Art is a hobby, and there is no right in this country to make a living doing a hobby. It’s good it’s hard to be a full time artist, because then only the few best will do it and the rest will have jobs involving making things people actually need. We only hurt this country by making it easier to be useless for a living.

What is the liberals’ vision for the future? I guess they all get to sit around all day reflecting on how smart they are and occasionally creating a piece of art while all the real work is handled by illegal Mexicans who don’t know English and are perfectly happy in their underclass status and love the care their liberal masters provide. America will be the liberals’ plantation. And they’ll probably all die out in the first couple days of the robots wars.

Gobbledygook Defined

During the visit from Mexican President Calderon where everyone got to whine about the Arizona law, Obama said, “In the 21st century, we are defined not by our borders, but by our bonds.”

Is there a better example of meaningless gobbledygook? What exactly is that supposed to mean? Are we going to now deport people for illegally crossing our bonds? Why waste time saying things that don’t mean anything? I guess the only other alternative than Obama saying something meaningless was saying nothing at all, and that’s not really an option.

We are defined by our borders. Borders define the boundaries in countries. Apparently, the bond between Mexico and the U.S. is that they don’t respect that definition. Mexico severely enforces its south border while ignoring our border to their north; we just encourage that behavior by acting like we’re all friends.

What a real president should have done when Calderon started whining about Arizona enforcing federal law was slap him in the face and say, “Hey! That’s an American state you’re talking about! And you’re in America so you better respect that before my fist illegally immigrates into your face! Yeah, that’s right: I will drop you.”

I guess that might mess up our “bonds” though, and then how would we ever define America’s sovereignty?

Random Thoughts

The CW is that PA-12 means no Republican wave in November. If you want to be happy, learn to love Obama.

My prediction for Republicans in November – Short Answer: Doom. Long Answer: Dooooooom!

If Arizona starts cutting off power to California, is that how a new civil war gets started? Better go find a nice brown coat to wear…

Civil wars aren’t so bad as long as everyone learns an important lesson.

I hope the way Lost ends is with that big *thump* sound they end every episode with, but with the word “FOUND” on screen.

I bet the Lost finale will not only answer all Lost questions, but other shows’ question like what’s in the suitcase in Pulp Fiction.

Good psych study would be of reactions to Lost finale: Group who watched it all, group who saw some of 1st season. Group who has seen none.

Things have escalated beyond boycotts. It’s time for mancotts.

So does Rand Paul support his father? Because Ron Paul supporters are craaaaazy.

Sometimes I don’t think people take me seriously. Maybe I need a taller hat.

Ironically, there are at least eight known deaths attributable to the Safety Dance.

Draw Mohammed Day

Hello. I am Muhammad. And today is “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day.”

Actually, today is “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.”

Who are you?

I am Mohammed.

Why are you spelling your name that way?

“M-O-H-A-M-M-E-D” is how my name is spelled.

No, I’m pretty sure it’s spelled “M-U-H-A-M-M-A-D.”

You are both wrong. My name is spelled “M-U-H-A-M-M-E-D.”

Whoa! You look familiar. I used to look a lot like you. And who’s that guy next to you?

He’s Jesus.

He’s like an infidel or something, isn’t he?

Actually, he’s a prophet.

Hold on a second. If he’s a prophet, then why do we want to kill his followers?

Uh. Hmmm. Ah. Mmmm. Ummmm. I, uh… Help me out here, Jesus.

Actually, “Jesus” is a transliteration of my name in Greek. I was called “Yeshua,” which is the same as “Joshua”…

This isn’t “Learn About Jesus Day,” it’s “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.”

That’s right. And if you draw me today, you better watch out. Someone might cut off your head or stick a flag pole in you.

Yeah, it’s risky to mess with religious icons. Disrespect one of us, and you could be in trouble. Our followers are dangerous.

Not everybody’s followers …