What Would Osama Cut?

Could Osama bin Laden be behind efforts to cut government waste? That’s what Alcee Hastings is wondering (what kind of name is Alcee?). Since Republicans put up a site — YouCut — to allow people to pick what to cut in government, anyone could be doing that picking, including Osama bin Laden! Then again, I remember Obama wasn’t checking donations through his website back in 2008, so for all we know, Osama could have been funding Obama’s campaign. It may not be that Osama support Obama, though; he may just have gotten Obama’s name mixed up with his as we all do and thought he was transferring funds to himself.

Anyway, the Republicans should at least have a warning on their site: “Not for terrorists.” Oversights like that are why I’m getting worried about November. With how we lost in the PA-12 special election, maybe our hopes are too high. Perhaps people actually liked the slogans on my new t-shirt and this is all my fault. Anyway, time to lower expectations. There were talks of a 100 seat pickup, but maybe we should be more like, “I think we’ll gain five more seats. That would be pretty good. We gain more, that would be good to.” And we have to be extra careful to make sure terrorists aren’t trying to cut our government. A good way to do that would be to have the military as an option to cut on YouCut, as only terrorists would pick that.

Can I Question Their Patriotism Now?

So the Mexican president attacks the Arizona law and gets a standing ovation from the Democrats in Congress. Is it just me, or is that really perverse? They’re standing up for a leader of a frenemy nation at the expense of an American state (and the large majorities of Americans who support the law). I doubt many put much thought in it — they probably just went, “Here’s a chance to mindlessly pander to Latinos!” — but this just all seems like one of the problems of having a Congress where most people don’t like America. Or maybe they like America, but it’s not really high on their lists of things they like.

The proper response to the Mexican president coming to America to attack one of our states would be for someone — preferably someone in a cowboy hat — to silently march up to Calderon and lift him up by the back of his collar and belt and carry him all the way to the border to Mexico then toss him in the river there, saying, “And don’t come back until you learn some manners.” It could be like a running joke that always happens every time the Mexican president visits, sort of like how Brainy Smurf was always being tossed out of Smurf Village in… well, I forget the show’s name.

Random Thoughts

I don’t think Rand Paul is a racist for discussing the Civil Right Act, but I do think politically he’s an idiot.

You scream “Racist!” at Rand Paul or have an intellectual discussion about freedom, but you can’t do both.

Unless you’re actually a paid shill for one of the political parties, people gotta calm down.

I’m glad with all that’s going on we’re finally having a debate on the Civil Right Act.