lolterizt! Part 108

This week terrorists, next week That One. Submit for either at

Meanwhile, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

NOTE TO READERS: Hovering your mouse over the picture activates closed captioning for the l33t-speak/txtmsg impaired.

From Degenerate Pumpernickel:

From me (Harvey):

From Stephen:

My favorites from the submissions using last edition’s uncaptioned picture:

From Bubblehead:

From Hart of That Hero:

From Hart of That Hero:

From Hart of That Hero:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Peregrine John:

[reference link]

From Steve F:

From Steve F:

[reference link]

This week’s uncaptioned picture for you to play with:

That’s America’s prettiest terrorist, Fievel Shazam. Let’s take this smirking-bitch media-darling down a couple notches.

#1: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

HAT TIP: Brian of Snapped Shot‘s magnificent EvilFeed – the world’s best source for ripe-for-captioning terrorist photos.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

New Dick Cheney Assassination Squad Sighting

Wacky disgraced Congressman Eric Massa has accused General Petraeus and Dick Cheney of meeting together in some sort of “treasonous plot.” Do you think this could be about the Dick Cheney Assassination Squad? I find it encouraging, at least. No matter how bad things get, I know out there are Dick Cheney and his handpicked squad — probably led by General Petraeus — riding dinosaurs and armed with laser rifles ready to put things right.

Capital of Democracy

Did you see that Joe Biden said that Brussels, Belgium, has a “legitimate claim” to the title of “capital of the free world”? How insane is that?

“Oh no! A new world war is breaking out! How will we save democracy?”

“Quick, let’s call Belgium and find out what to do!”

What are they going to do? Serve tasty waffles? When was the last time Belgium did anything, if ever? They’re like a nothing. If they were a character in a movie, they wouldn’t even be named in the credits and would instead be listed as “European Country Number 3”. Saying Belgium could have a legitimate claim to “capital of the free world” is like saying Aquaman could have a claim to the title “greatest super hero”… which if true means that next big crisis, we’re all dead.

In My World: Stopping the Oil Leak

“I’m here to stop the oil leak!” President Obama announced as he approached the oil-soaked beach.

“Oh,” the BP official said, “I didn’t think you were going to help.”

“I have been helping,” Obama said, “I’ve been yelling at you to do better. That’s a sort of helping. But then I thought of a way to stop the oil leak for good. Know what that method is?”

“Well… I guess we could–”

“Science!” Obama shouted gleefully. “I thought maybe we could use Science! to stop it.”

“Actually, we’ve been using–”

“I got all the best scientific minds together,” Obama continued, “and they were like, ‘Stop bothering us, Obama!’ Then they made fun of my ears. They were mean scientists and I don’t like them anymore. But in the end, Professor Science! agreed to come and use Science! to stop the oil leak.”

A man in an impressive white lab coat holding a test tube approached the shore. “It is I: Professor Science!, and I will stop this leak using… Science!”

“Yay!” Obama exclaimed, clapping his hands together excitedly.

“Now stand back, laymen,” Professor Science! said. “Make room for… Science!” Professor Science! approached the shore and held his test tube high. “By the power of Science!, I command the leak to stop!”

Everyone was silent for a few moments, waiting to see if anything happened. “Did it work?” Obama finally asked.

“The Science! on whether an oil leak is slowing is… complicated,” Professor Science! said, “but I think it’s… um… yeah, it’s slowing.”

“Yay for Science!” Obama shouted. “Well, I guess we’re done here. I’m going to go to Arizona now and yell at them for being racist.” He started heading away with Professor Science, telling him, “I read that it was racist on the internet.”

“The internet was made with Science!”


Alone on the shore, the BP official bowed his head. “I wish I thought of using Science!.”

Final Thoughts on Final Lost Episode

Didn’t know what I thought about the last episode of Lost right after I watched it, but my opinion gelled pretty quickly and here are the things I wrote on Twitter the morning after:

Lost Finale Summary: The why of the island is unimportant; what’s important is that everyone learned a valuable lesson.

It seemed more like a finale for the characters than a finale for the island.

You can’t make a show all about the weird secrets of an island and then make the island only vaguely important in the finale. Well, I guess you can (they did), but I won’t like it.

I hope the 24 finale isn’t as ambiguous. If Jack Bauer found out he was in purgatory, he’d probably torture his way out.

They could do a Lost style finale for American Idol. Instead of telling us who won, they’ll just focus on the banter of the judges.

The message of the Lost finale is we’ll be stuck in purgatory until we let go of how disappointed we are in the Lost finale.

I wish Jack Bauer was on the Lost island. He’d get answer one way or another; he always does.

I didn’t expect the Lost finale to actually wrap things up nicely, but I did expect at least a half-assed try to do so.

The Lost creators made that finale knowing full well Obama doesn’t have the courage to send them to Gitmo.

The Seinfeld finale tried and failed to sum things up. I feel like Lost didn’t even try.

I know I vowed this after the X-Files and Alias, but I will never trust a show with mysterious plot lines again!

Now, some people seemed to like the finale and thought it was some sort of genius, and I feel like they got some Kool-Aid I didn’t get a sip of. We spend all these years seeing the mysteries of the island, and the finale doesn’t care anything about the island. It’s all about the characters finding peace in purgatory, but it could have been a cop show and you could have the finale be about the characters in purgatory — it’s like the setting no longer mattered. People are trying to justify that by saying the show was really all about the characters, but I never felt that way. Half the time I was only putting up with Jack’s whininess because the mysteries of the island were so interesting. Really, how many people after the first season were not wondering, “What’s in the hatch?” but instead wondering, “I wonder what all the characters will feel about what’s in the hatch?”

The first season finale was the first big sign of trouble. It ended with the hatch being blown open but not even the slightest tease of what was inside — because the writers didn’t know the answer yet. I was well aware they were just throwing weird stuff on screen with no idea of the backstory, and it really started to wear the series down in the third season. Then they decided they would only have three more seasons and had a killer third-season finale and it seemed like they were actually moving towards something. Nope.

“The island has a light and it has to be protected because… well, let’s not worry about that. The important thing is Jack made friends and learned something about himself.”

I didn’t expect a great resolution that answered things in the finale, but I at lease expected an attempt to give the island some overall meaning. They didn’t even try. Inexcusable.


Doctor Zero feels similarly and expresses some other points of contention I agree with. Also, now that I think of it, I’m not very convinced the Lost creators even had this ending in mind when they started the season and might have just hacked it together as a last minute copout.

Random Thoughts

The only way the 24 finale could have been more disappointing than the Lost finale is if Jack Bauer and the Russian president hugged it out.

Congress will soon be voting on whether to condemn the Lost finale. Call your Congressmen and tell them to support this measure.

I’m thinking there is no way the 24 finale could be worse than the Lost one, but maybe it will be two hours of hillbilly ex-boyfriend subplots.

I hope Aaron Pierce and the cougar make a cameo for the last episode of 24.

I thought part of the blogger code was we don’t tell people all about our affairs with politicians.

Oh yeah, I forgot what the blogger code is: “Anything for traffic.”

I’d love to make a billion-dollar hotel with only the most luxurious amenities and call it, “Super Fancy Hotel.”

Is it a spoiler to tell someone he will be devastatingly disappointed? Are we supposed to leave that to be a surprise?

Will Mark Twain’s memoirs be as shocking as he thought they would be? Are we prepared for a thorough takedown of Teddy Roosevelt?

So out of all the presidents seen in the 24 universe, only the first president Palmer successfully completed a single term. 1 for 7.

With the 24 finale, I don’t have to put up with people telling me I missed the point and the show was really all about the cougars.

America already can’t be the first country to elect a female leader, so let’s go for last one.

Why we blog

FITSNews blogger Will Folks says he’s had an “an inappropriate physical relationship” with South Carolina Republican state representative Nikki Haley. What kicks this story up a notch is that Haley is the favorite in the Republican primary for governor of that state, with an 11-point lead in the latest polls.

Haley has denied the claim.

But … have you seen Haley? She’s another one of those hot Republican babes.

Which leads to my point. I’m going to share the real reason that men become bloggers: Hot Republican Babe Sex.

Yes, it’s true. At least for conservatives. And, some liberals want Hot Republican Babe Sex, too.

You may be wanting to know how all this works. Well, here’s the plan:

  1. Start blog
  2. ?
  3. Hot Republican Babe Sex

I’m still working on that step two. Some people seem to have it figured out, though.