Question of the Day

Should creepy pervert journalists move next door to conservatives and leer at them? Joe McGinnis is writing a book about Sarah Palin and rented the house next to her family so he can stand on the back porch and stare into their yard while their children play. It’s not like he was secretive about it, though, as once he moved he came over and introduced himself, as the sex offender statute required. And all he is going to do is creepily gawk at them throughout the day, and so what if they can’t always see both his hands? That’s just journalism the way it’s always been — weird, creepy, and disturbing.

What do you think?

It’s Like Reagan Ate Limbaugh

I think New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is IMAO’s favorite current politician. Here he is taking on some teacher complaining about her current pay when the state is going bankrupt:

Who would think that the reddest meat would come from one of the bluest states? Christie just eats liberal whiners for breakfast — along with three pounds of bacon (he’s fat). Here’s some liberal reporter whining to him:

And the guy is just going after the budget with a chainsaw, and he doesn’t care who complains about it. When he’s done, the only thing bloated in New Jersey government will be him (he’s fat).

I don’t know why we can’t find more like him. He’s like twice the fiscal conservative of any other politicians out there — which isn’t particularly efficient since he’s three times the size (why can’t I stop doing fat jokes!).

Anyway, when thinking about the future of the Republican Party, we really should keep an eye on Chris Christie — which is easy to do since he’s pretty hard to miss (I can’t help myself!).

Political Action Movie Lines

I recently put up some action movie lines I thought of myself, and was inspired by them to make a contest for coming up with some political action move lines and asked me to pick the winner.

The IMAO readers are probably wondering why I didn’t tell them about the contest. Well, maybe I was just thinking that unleashing the cleverness of IMAO readers on it would be unfair. Or maybe I didn’t know about it. You can pick one of those–whichever makes you feel better.

Anywho, let’s get to the winner. First, here’s a runner up, who wins… HIGH PRAISE!

From Javelina Bomb:

“The science is settled, you’re dead.”

And the winner of the contest, who gets a guest post at, is cfm990 who wrote:

I hope you got your free health care, cause son, you’re gonna need it.

Congratulations to the winner! And dishonor and shame to the non-winners!

Random Thoughts

Lately in America it’s seemed very last seasony.

So on the question of bribing Joe Sestak with a job, Obama just said that he’s still working on his story?

With how long Obama has been working on his Joe Sestak explanation, I bet it will super explain things!

If his explanation works out, we should have Obama explain Lost next.

For the record, I wanted Bowersox to win American Idol because her name sounds like what Jack Bauer puts on before his shoes.