Obama’s New Ringtone

So… Larry Kudlow was on the Fred Thompson show today, and – just for fun – I grabbed a few phrases out of context and put ’em together, and I’m thinking this would make a great ringtone for Obama’s Blackberry:


Now, I don’t think Obama would install this of his own free will, so I need one of you to distract him while I get this done.

No, I don’t know how. You’re smart. Think of something!

Maybe like pointing & shouting, “Look! A blind, crippled, atheist Native American lesbian with no judicial experience!”, and when he turns around to appoint her to the Supreme Court, I’ll take care of business.

Of course, if you’ve got a better idea, I’m willing to listen.


  1. Hey now, some of us atheists are actually moral people. ;> Wait, I’m also of Native American descent, and I’m attracted to women (my gender has nothing to do with this argument) plus the only judge I’ve ever even seen was in traffic court once when I screwed up.

    I got your distraction, Harvey.

  2. Get the guy who screwed up the Wall Street computers to help you – he clearly knows how to work fast. Oh wait, maybe it was the computers themselves?
    (All the smirt people are trying to create Artificial Intelligence, but what if they accidentally created Artificial Stupidity instead?)

  3. George Soros—Lincoln bedroom—frilly nightie—smoke break!

    Nobody wants to see THAT, Lets B. Frank! (…And if you could be B. Frank you’d be there if the money was right!)
    It would be easier to sneak it onto his teleprompter and let him repeat it himself (This of course will have to be done soon because even people on the Left are
    starting to NOT listen to his babble)

  4. Simple. Roll the teleprompter. As long as you keep feeding him stupid things to say, he’ll keep saying them. And, Barry doesn’t like to make short speeches, so you’ll have plenty of time.

  5. Why does the President even use a Blackberry? He’s the President! Chief executives let others handle the small stuff. Given his demonstrably extensive understanding of information security practices, I’m sure that he never risks secure information.

    That said, I’d tell him, “Can I borrow your phone? I need to ring up Bill Ayers.” Then when he’s not looking, I’d smash the phone and tell him that Blackberry just went out of business.

  6. The best way to distract Obama so you can install the ringtone is to have the Presdiential teleprompter command him to “Hand Haevey your Blackberry and run a self test routine.” While Obama is busy in the corner running the self test then you install the ringtone.

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