Random Thoughts

You think one day MSNBC is going to cash in on Olbermann and force him to debate someone who disagrees with him? Might get a big audience.

So are they going to retroactively give the “Courageous Restraint” medal to draft dodgers?

I should get a medal for courageous restraint each time I talk to a hippie and don’t go into a violent rage. 0 earned so far.

You’re either part of the solution, or you’re not going to get compiled when I select “Build All.”

Pandora, it’s not so much “I’m Still Listening” as “Now I’m Listening”.

I was making fun of the hysterical comparisons of Arizona to Nazis, but it just came down the pipe that Arizona invaded Poland.

If the Obama administration says the Arizona law is not racist, then it’s racist to say it’s racist.

Obama is blaming problems on the Xbox now? Never thought I’d say this, but he should go back to blaming Bush.


  1. Obama is blaming problems on the Xbox now?

    He was addressing a college graduating class when he cited the Xbox, iPad, internet, and other new media as “distractions”.

    I think he was just soften the blow for these kids when they get out of school and find that in Obama’s economy they can’t afford any of that stuff.

  2. You think one day MSNBC is going to cash in on Olbermann and force him to debate someone who disagrees with him? Might get a big audience.

    It won’t be worth watching. “Olbermann versus a stuffed dog!” “Olbermann versus his grandmother!”

  3. Forget Olberman debating anybody. Three words, Steel Cage Match. Ten wrestlers or UFC fighters vs. Keith. Sure, it isn’t fair and he’s gonna get beat to a bloody pulp but what’s wrong with that? It’s Olberman!

    I wouldn’t want a medal for Courageous Restraint everytime I don’t punch a hippie. Who wants to be reminded of hippie punching opportunities you didn’t take advantage of?

    Arizona just invaded Poland? There goes their Courageous Restraint medal down the tubes!

  4. I was making fun of the hysterical comparisons of Arizona to Nazis, but it just came down the pipe that Arizona invaded Poland.

    Whoo hoo!! now we have control of their perogies!

  5. Aaaaaaarizona, uber alles!
    Uber alles, in der Welt!

    I heard that right after San Francisco issued the edict restricting their employees from going to Arizona that the state chamber of commerce went to AARP and started teasing them:

    “Hey, so when are you gonna tell snowbirds to skip Phoenix? What, the nancy’s in Frisco have bigger ones than your membership?”

  6. I’ll bet a bag of donuts that if this ill-conceived idea goes through that within a year the unofficial name for the “Courageous Restraint” will be the “Sir Robin Medal of Valor”

    Brave Sir Robin ran away…bravely ran away.
    When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
    Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about, and valiantly, he chickened out.
    Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat.
    A brave retreat by brave Sir Robin.

  7. Frank Fleming vs. Keith Olberman. I want front row seats. Or how about me vs. Oburdoofus? I am hesitant to make a grown amn cry, but he isn’t a grown man.

    Obama doesn’t like the folks getting news from sources other than ones sniffing his butt. Freedom’s a female dog, ain’t it?

    I need to learn to read and comprehend better. I just can’t find anything in the Arizona bill about gas chambers.

    Under President Fred Thompson there will be a hippie Face-punch medal.

  8. So are they going to retroactively give the “Courageous Restraint” medal to draft dodgers?

    There be several problems here:

    1) Just as Ivan doesn’t take a dump without a plan, the Western military doesn’t scratch its backside without a PowerPoint presentation. (For true horror, see: http://theweek.com/article/slideshow/10/Afghanistan+War) This idiotic idea was the product of countless presentations watched by countless REMF’s, none of whom put a stop to it.

    2) Men fight for their unit. Who among our soldiers would needlessly risk his brothers? It’s one thing to skip punching a hippie. It’s another thing to do it when that hippie threatens your family.

    3) There is some zero number that represents the degree to which professional soldiers are motivated by medals; however, the Fred Thompson Medal of Valor for Kickin’ *ss has not yet been tried.

    4) This is insulting to our brave men and women. No military (that actually conducts combat) is more restrained than ours. I’d make the award something to be proud of by awarding it to any patrol or combat unit returning with less than 5% of their ammo loadout. That’s restraint.

    5) Amongst our combat soldiers, the medal will soon become known as the “Medal of Curious Restraint.”

  9. “You think one day MSNBC is going to cash in on Olbermann and force him to debate someone who disagrees with him? Might get a big audience.”

    That’ll never happen. MSNBC has fully invested itself in trying to convince their mentally-challenged viewership that NO ONE disagrees with him. To find out that there exists an opposing viewpoint to radical liberalism would completely overwhelm the few viewers they have left.

  10. Revealing my nerd nature here. Certain groups in the SCA used to give an award called “The Order of the Gaping Wound” for suffering an injury that required surgery or hospitalization during their combat games. The Order no longer admits new members because they felt it encouraged people to try and get hurt.

    Courageous Restraint sounds very similar. “If I don’t shoot back, I get a me-AAAGH!” (Maybe he was dictating?) Stress cards don’t work in combat either, folks.

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