Will Liberals Ever Get that Right-Wing Violence They Hope For?

Well the left keep wishing and hoping for that angry white guy terrorist with an unmistakable right-wing agenda, but keep getting disappointed. They had a few they tried to sell as that, but those involved had ranted against Dick Cheney or quoted Karl Marx so it was trying to shove a square peg into a round hole to blame it on Tea Parties. Then some were hoping to score big with the Time Square attempted bombing, but now the name of a suspect in custody has been released: Faisal Shahzad.

Don’t lose hope, liberals; one of these days you’ll get that terror attack that fits your agenda. I mean, there are like a hundred million conservatives in this country; eventually one of them has to do something violent. Then you can be like, “See! We have to stop listening to any of the conservative agenda because it causes violence! That’s what we’ve been telling you for so long, and finally — finally — that violence came. Man, we were starting to worry it would never come.”

I think the reason liberals are so eager for right-wing violence to screech about is they’ve just never been comfortable with free speech. Because of the liberal media, conservatives are pretty used to conflicting opinion, but liberals not so much. They know enough they can’t just pass laws to silence people they disagree with (well, most of the time), so they really are hoping for some violence so they can announce, “See people disagreeing with us causing violence! You have to shut up!” Problem is, even if conservatives never did speak up, most people in America would still find liberals’ views asinine.


  1. According to the commie scum parasites of the left, debate is racist violence. For examples see the healthcare debate, the immigration debate, the global warming hoax, the bailout debate, the energy debate, the cap and tax debate, the we want gubmunt to quit stealing so much from us debate. any other debate where the correct view opposes theirs.

  2. Yeah, libs are bummed the NYC suspect turned out to be an Islamist. For a second there they thought they finally had the angry white male gun toting terrorist of their dreams. I’m sure the dream lives on!

    Besides, they can always just keep blamming Bush!

  3. Turns out Faisal’s home is being foreclosed on. So by liberal standards he is completely justified in striking back at “The Man” to express his frustration and anger. On the other hand overtaxed middleclass Americans who are pissed off by their situation are evil bullies for shouting at members of congress to express their outrage. So goes liberal think.

  4. ^^^Oooooooo, the anger is building.^^^

    Libs don’t need no violence. Didja notice that the ATF has dropped charges against those it rounded up in its massive public Michigan sweep? Ruby Ridge started with Randy Weaver being entrapped to saw off a shotgun. Lesson: Don’t saw off any shotguns.

  5. So wait, you mean that punching hippies is just satire?

    You mean this whole site is satire? (or is it parody? I can never figure that out, we need to get Say Anything! on the case)

    Apcray. To think I thought you really were going to nuke the Moon.

  6. Pingback: MSNBC upset would-be NY bomber not a white guy « The Black Smoke

  7. A few years ago I was very upset when the S. American invasion was obvious and I hated to see America in danger. Since then we have had prop 8 and the related harassment. The left just watched silently or cheered during the aggression. From the right no small amount of harassment and indifference during the Romney run. There were some prominent GOP who outwardly rejected such treatment though.

    Couple this with the financial slavery our government is laying on our backs and at some point i say… @#$# them! Let the illegals come! If i survive it my children can grow up free from the persecution and financial slavery of the those who have rejected the constitution and demonized my people. If i die I will die a free man. At least the illegal gangs will knife or shoot you in the front rather the manipulation and harassment by Americas elites.

  8. Most conservatives I know are intelligent, amiable and well spoken. They don’t need to hit someone to get their point across. Of course their faces don’t turn red and they don’t spew spittle when they discuss things either.

    Nor to they fling poo, like certain Evil Scary Monkeys we all know and avoid.

  9. “Turns out Faisal’s home is being foreclosed on. So by liberal standards he is completely justified in striking back at “The Man” to express his frustration and anger.”

    Maybe if he hadn’t quit his job eleven months ago and spent a bunch of money to fly to Pakistan and take a bomb-making class from the Taliban, he could have paid his mortgage.

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