Rating Obama’s Job Performance

I was think we haven’t sat back and tried to objectively rate Obama’s job performance in a while. Let’s look at what are the universally agreed to responsibilities of the President of United States and see how Obama has done on them:


* Keep country from going bankrupt.

* Read things off of a teleprompter.

* Protect borders.

* Implore country to let him be clear.

* Don’t let country become covered in oil.

* Appear on TV a lot.

* Develop new weaponry like dinosaurs with rocket launchers.

* Intimidate foreign leaders with large ears.

Hmm… kind of a mixed bag for Obama. I’m going to give him the lowest grade possible: B+

How do you rate Obama?

What the Hell?

Keep your oil out of my water!Hello, Aquafans!

So what’s going on here? I saw there was an accident in the Gulf of Mexico (an explosion above the water, so technically not in my jurisdiction) and there is an oil leak. So I’m like, “Well, I’m sure the professionals at BP and the Obama administration will get this handled right away.”

And more than forty days later… what the hell?

Just the other day, I heard distress above me, so I surfaced in the Gulf… and of course was all covered in oil. And then Black Manta set me on fire. Is this just the way it’s going to be now?

I’m trying to figure out who to complain to, and the Obama administration says they’re in charge of everything, but it’s BP trying all the solutions except their solutions are things like have robots drop a box on it or pour mud on it — the sort of things a three-year-old would come up with when faced with a similar situation.

And I hate to bring it up, but what are you doing drilling out in deep water anyway? What’s wrong with drilling on land? Yeah, I know: You all live on land so you don’t want to drill there. “Let’s drill in the ocean,” you all say. “No one we care about lives there.”

You know there are like five hundred land-based superheroes, but only me for the oceans — for two thirds of the planet. Well, there’s also the Namor the Submariner, but he’s not usually very helpful. And kind of mean.

Anyway, my point is I deserve more respect than that. My domain is not your oil dumping ground. And if you have some big oil leak into it, I at least expect you to try and stop it… or at least make a realistic effort at it. This is what depresses me and makes me feel like I get no respect, but I don’t see any of you even stepping up to pay for my therapist.

Next time you’re hassled by pirates, don’t call me. I’m through. Enjoy your oil.

Fred’s Best Line (A Contest) Part 1 of 3 – UPDATED 6-2-10 9PM

So the powers-that-be over at the Fred Thompson Show said “Hey Harvey, go promote Fred’s book, ‘Teaching the Pig to Dance’. Here’s 3 signed copies courtesy of Premiere Collectibles you can use for prizes”.

I said “Cool!”

Here’s how it works:

Contest runs 3 days, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. You put in the comments what you think is Fred’s best line. 3 winners are selected from all submissions posted before Midnight on Friday. Winners announced Monday. Prizes are awarded to said winners (assuming they had the foresight to include a working email with their comment and I can get ahold of them to get a mailing address).

“Fred’s best line” means any quote, from any of Fred’s TV shows, movies, his radio show, YouTube videos, Facebook, Twitter, etc. that you think totally rocks.

Now, IMAO is not some sort of fact-stickler news organization like CNN or MSNBC, so it’s not like anybody’s going to actually check your quote to see if it’s real. So if you just completely make something up that kinda sounds like something Fred would say, like “If these Democrats don’t stop passing these ridiculous spending bills, I’m gonna grab a copy of the Constitution and beat ’em sensible with it,” who am I to question its truthiness?

For those who do not win, and for those voyeurs who just want to sit and watch while everyone else has fun, signed copies of “Teaching the Pig to Dance” are available for purchase at Premiere Collectibles for $25 plus shipping.

I should note that Father’s Day is coming up fast, and – having read this book – I can tell you that any human male who has survived his “stubborn, stupid, invincible teenager stage” and progressed to the “responsible parenthood stage” of his life will find a kindred soul in the pages of this tome and enjoy it immensely.

Book-plugging time over. Make with the quotes in the commments.

UPDATE 6-2-10 9PM:

Just got the word. Fred himself will be picking the winners.

Random Thought

So far for Obama’s first term, it looks like we’re all going to end up bankrupt and covered in oil… just like I predicted.