Other Blogs?

Right Wing News has out its new ranking of the top forty blogs, and IMAO is number 11. There are ten whole blogs better than IMAO? That’s hard to imagine. So what other blogs do you guys read and are they better than IMAO?

(Correct Answer: No other blogs and I would punch the hippie who would even suggest another blog could be better than IMAO).

An Easy Mistake to Make

Turns out President Obama’s seemingly out of touch reaction to the Gulf oil spill disaster was all the result of a simple misunderstanding.

When his advisers told him he needed to spend more time on the “Gulf Coast,” he thought they said that he needed to spend more time on the “Golf Course.”


Top Ten Barack Obama Tough Guy Lines

President Obama is acting all tough now, saying he wants to find “whose ass to kick” about the oil crisis. He really is a tough guy of action. Don’t believe it? Then just look at some of the things he’s said at recent speeches:


10. “See what I have on here? These are my ass-kicking pants. Stop calling them mom jeans.”

9. “Time to open a can of whupass! …Oh, but not this can; it isn’t certified organic.”

8. “I am here to kick ass and chew arugula, and I’m all out of arugula because of the high prices at Whole Foods.”

7. “Let me be clear: Your ass is mine!”

6. “Got your organic whupass now, but it’s in a jar, not a can. Time to open it! Errrr… Hmm, let me just run it under some hot water and pound it against a counter a few times and then it’s whupass!”

5. “My name is Barack Obama. You spilled oil in my gulf. Prepare for finger pointing.”

4. “I ain’t got time to bleed… but I probably have enough time to finish a round of golf.”

3. “I’m here to kick ass and take names. Mainly to take names. Please fill out this census form.”

2. “Watch out: It’s not only my close personal friends I throw under a bus.”

And the number one Barack Obama tough guy line…

Continue reading ‘Top Ten Barack Obama Tough Guy Lines’ »

New Political Party Names

You ever think that maybe the two parties are too far gone and it’s time to start over? Like, instead of making third parties, we should just agree to disband both the Republican and Democrat parties and start over with brand new parties in their place. What should we name the two parties, though? Here’s a few ideas:


* Freedom Lovers Party and Freedom Is Scary Party

* The Don’t Touch My Stuff Party and the Wussy Whiners Party

* The Guns and Whiskey Party and the Weird Man-Child Party

* The Awesome Party of Awesome and the Mincing Little Sissies Party

* The Don’t Tread on Me Party and the I Have Girl Parts Where Man Parts Should Be Party

* The Rugged Individualist Party and the Please Protect Me Government Because I Don’t Know How to Do Anything Useful Party

* The No Ron Pauls Club and the Commie Pinko Fascist Smelly Hippie Commune

Just a few ideas I had. Got any good new party names?

Random Thoughts

Helen Thomas first got interested in politics from her high school sweetheart, Hitler.

I don’t believe you’re invoking Godwin’s law when you’re talking about someone actually calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews.

I got a solution for America’s debt: When other countries ask to be paid back, we tell them, “No.”

Suggestion for Helen Thomas replacement: Glenn Beck

New shiny gadget, please give my life meaning before I’m forced to try and find that from religion!

Anti-Semites have descended on my blog today much like Ron Paul supporters used to. Probably the same people.

It appears that some on the left equate “asking tough questions” with crazy ranting.

The Left: “Tea Parties are nothing but racists… and it’s probably all a Jew conspiracy!”

Obama: “I want to know whose ass to kick. Then I will have sex with women. I am masculine.”

Obama: “I will find those responsible and I will hurt them in the ass… er… kick, yes, kick them in the ass. I am tough man.”