Story of the Decade

I know it’s a little early in the decade to declare that, but I just don’t know how this can be topped:

A German student “mooned” a group of Hell’s Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said.

I’m a pretty creative guy, but I can’t even imagine how to top that.

Also, I like this line from the story:

“What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell’s Angels is currently unclear,” a police spokesman said.

I’m guessing we’ll never have a good answer to that; it will be like Lost.

The puppy is reportedly okay, BTW. Better thrown at the Hell’s Angels than wind up in the hands of a blogger.


If I could defend President Obama for one moment, I hate the idea that after a disaster the president is supposed to fly over there and look all concerned and stuff. That keeps coming up with Obama the same as with Bush and it is asinine. Here’s what I’d say to that if I were president:

“I know you all want me to go to the disaster and look all concerned, but that’s idiotic. I’m the President of the United States — I have this whole country to take care of. Having me go someplace and stack sandbags or what not is idiotic and makes me want to punch you people for suggesting. In fact, after this press conference, I will punch a few of you though I won’t announce who ahead of time. Still, if it’s that important to you dimwits to believe I care, here’s my concerned face. Take a picture. Then photoshop me in whatever situation it would help you feel better to see me standing around all useless and concerned looking. Now I need to find and kill some foreigners I can blame for this mess.”

Top Ten Al Gore Pickup Lines

Now there are rumors that Al Gore was having an affair. If so, maybe he’s better with the ladies than you’d except. In fact, here are some of his well known pickup lines:


10. “I created the internet, and now I’m going to create making love to you.”

9. “We’ll make sweet love until the compact fluorescent light bulb burns out… which is a long long time because they’re very efficient.”

8. “The science is settled: I’m dead sexy.”

7. “It would reduce your carbon footprint if you shared a room with me tonight.”

6. “If you just watch this slideshow presentation, I think it makes it pretty clear and indisputable that we should totally do it.”

5. “Lucky for you my lovemaking is a renewable resource.”

4. “It’s not only my personality and mannerisms that are stiff.”

3. “Carefully study your love making option, because I don’t want you to accidentally have sex with Pat Buchanan.”

2. “The rumors are true: I am a robot — The Sex Machine.”

And the number one Al Gore pickup line…

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Obama’s Sucky Speech That Sucked

I didn’t watch Obama’s speech. I don’t get paid to blog, and why am I going to subject myself to an Obama speech unless there is a big fat check in it for me? Plus, I couldn’t imagine him saying anything interesting. But gathering from how Obama got Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews to rail on him like a couple of FOX News commentators, apparently I missed the pinnacle of him sucking.

Here’s what I gathered was the crux of the speech:

“BP is bad. I got people with Nobel Prizes working with me. We need renewable energy.”

It’s two month later, and that’s all he has? Oil is still gushing out into the ocean, and he can’t even pretend to have a clue what to do? You know the old saying, “Better to be silent and appear to have no idea what to do with an oil spill than to give a national speech and remove all doubt.” It’s like the guy hasn’t even cracked open his U.S. Presidency for Dummies book and still after all this time doesn’t even know how to fake being a leader. If you’re once again going to take over prime time, have something interesting to say.

“I am hear tonight to announce I will… NUKE THE OIL SPILL!!!! I am the president, and all who oppose me will be destroyed… including oil leaks! Muh ha ha ha ha!”

If he didn’t have something like that to say, why give the speech except to clarify how completely useless he is in this situation?

Random Thoughts

It would be cool if we changed the past tense of speak to “spock”.

What’s this? Al Gore is claiming an affair with Nikki Haley?

If you actually learned to enjoy the game of soccer, you’d miss out on the much greater thrill of making fun of soccer.

Obama is threatening to pour more oil into the ocean unless we use clean energy!

Is there actually an alternative to oil yet or are we being asked to invest in magic beans?

You can tell if Etheridge has gone senile if he starts violently shouting, “WHO ARE YOU?!!” at a mirror.

Have scientists figured out if pterodactyls existed today, whether we’d be able to put saddles on them and ride them through the air?

So dark matter might just be a equation error – exactly as any layman would have guessed? Bad day for Science! PR if true.

The president addresses the nation

Good evening. As we speak, our nation faces a multitude of challenges. At home, our top priority is to recover and rebuild from a recession that has touched the lives of nearly every American. Abroad, our brave men and women in uniform are taking the fight to al Qaeda wherever it exists. And tonight, I’ve returned from a trip to the Gulf Coast to speak with you about the battle we’re waging against an oil spill that is assaulting our shores and our citizens.

This oil spill is particularly troublesome to me, because I intend to lead the assault on America. I will not tolerate any actions by any company or any nation assaulting American citizens. That’s what I do.

After the spill began, I assembled a team of our nation’s best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge — a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation’s Secretary of Energy. And you know how smart and wonderful Nobel Prize winners are. Like Jimmy Carter. Yasser Arafat. Al Gore. Mikhail Gorbachev. Me. Really really smart people. Smartily smart. So, this Chu must be awesomely smart, even though his Nobel Prize was for physics, which is sort of like math or something. Anyway, scientists at our national labs and experts from academia and other oil companies have also provided ideas and advice.

Now, it’ll take a while for this group to come up with a plan, particularly since none of them know anything about oil wells a mile deep under water. So, to give them the time I need, I’ve drafted a letter to the oil spill itself, asking it to stop leaking long enough for our committee to come up with a plan. At least, a plan that doesn’t involve forming more committees. Although that does sound like a good plan in and of itself.

We have yet to hear a response from the oil leak regarding our request for a meeting to discuss its temporary halt of the spill. But, I stand firm in my belief that open and honest discussions are the way to solve all the problems of the world, and this oil spill is not an exception.

But make no mistake: We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes. We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused. Even though they won’t really pay; fuel prices will go up, and you’ll pay. But I’ll get credit for making BP pay, and that’s what’s really important.

But you know what else is important? Regulation. We’ve regulated drilling on land and in shallow water so much that deep-water drilling actually seemed like a good idea to the oil companies. So now, we’re going to regulate the hell out of that, too.

Last year, the House of Representatives acted on these principles by passing a strong and comprehensive energy and climate bill — a bill that finally makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy for America’s businesses. If it exists.

Now, there are costs associated with this transition. And there are some who believe that we can’t afford those costs right now. I say we can’t not afford it.

You know what we need? More taxes. If we can raise your taxes enough, you won’t have any money to spend on gas for your cars or heating oil in the winter. That will reduce demand, which will decrease our dependence on foreign oil. Then I won’t have to jet around the world bowing to all those Arabs.

And you thought I didn’t have a plan.

So, to summarize, we’re going to take a sh*t-load of money from BP, causing your fuel prices to go up. Then we’re going to let a bunch of egg-heads sit around and debate while oil continues to leak. Then, we’re going to implement more regulation that will stop any other drilling, causing the loss of many more jobs. And, finally, we’re going to tax the hell out of you.

The oil spill is not the last crisis America will face. After all, my term doesn’t end until 2013. But, with God’s help, we’ll get through this trying time.