Full of Awesome

Hart of That Hero (who’s a regular and talented contributor to lolbama! & lolterizt! here at IMAO) did an excellent pictoral takedown of Congressman Bob “Who Are You?” Etheridge.

Those who do not follow the link will be permanently banned from ever receiving High Praise! at IMAO and also forced to listen to Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” as performed by the London Vuvuzela Orchestra.

Fred Thompson on the Daily Show

Fred Thompson was on the Daily Show last night. Fred Thompson gets along well with Jon Stewart in the beginning, but eventually Fred gets annoyed with him and explodes his head.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Fred Thompson
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

(hat tip Viral Footage)

Shirts Are Fun to Wear!

I haven’t reminded you in a while, but you can buy IMAO t-shirts like the new Top Ten Democrat Slogans one:

You may be saying, “But I want to be like Matthew McConaughey and not wear a shirt.” That’s foolishness. Do you know of all the businesses that require people to wear a shirt (in additions to shoes — not sold by IMAO) to get service? Think of all the exciting new opportunities you could have by wearing an IMAO t-shirt.

Also, money goes towards the “Making Sure Princess Buttercup Doesn’t Have to Live in a Drawer” fund. SarahK says we have to buy all this baby stuff like cribs and a stroller (can’t we just put wheels on a box) which I think is stupid but she is very insistent.

So buy a shirt and have fun legally entering 7-11!


They said Obama would make America more popular around the world, and he did. Apparently, people really like the fact that just by being an ally of America, you get a free iPod. In fact, the U.S. is viewed more favorably everywhere except Muslim countries. You’d think the “secret Muslim” rumors would help Obama over there, but apparently there’s a well-defined plateau in popularity with them while our policy is still to kill terrorists and not kill Jews.

So what does our newfound popularity mean?

1. Get invited to more parties.
2. Could be elected homecoming queen.
3. Will no longer get picked last when the world plays a game of kickball.

Of course, being popular is opposed to what we were before: Feared.

1. Countries will do whatever we tell them to.

Personally, I liked that better. Like if we were feared, no one would dare blow a vuvuzela out of fear of us declaring war on their country and obliterating it — which we probably would. Yeah, being feared requires being mean to countries and pushing them around, but it’s well established that foreigners don’t have rights so that’s not a problem. Plus, it just creeps me out that people would choose to have other countries than America; it just doesn’t make any sense. They’re probably all psychos. And if a bunch of weirdos like us, that could be bad.

So what do you think? Is it better America be feared or popular? And you can’t all pick “feared”. We need more balance in IMAO comments.

The Greatest Ad Leads to the Greatest Endorsement

Dale Peterson quite surprising did not win in his election for Alabama Agricultural Commissioner — quite surprising since he had perhaps the greatest campaign ad ever — but he’s endorsing someone in the runoff and this time his gun is not just for show:

We need more people firing guns in political ads. Some may think that’s violent and threatening, but I don’t give a rip.

And do you think that could be a slogan for 2012? “Time to send Obama back to his chicken farm.”

Random Thoughts

Would be refreshing if BP said something honest like, “We’re glad we spilled oil in your gulf. It’s not near Britain, so we don’t care.”

Know why Sarah Palin doesn’t stand a chance to be president? Glasses. Name the last president who wore glasses. “Yeah, like we’re going to elect you to be president, four-eyes! Why don’t you go study some math books!”

Similarly, Palin would be unelectable if she had lots of facial hair.

The reason Obama took so long to meet with the BP CEO is because the CEO doesn’t play golf.

Once we get all the oil out of the ocean, are we finally going to work on getting the salt out of it too?

14% were more likely to vote for Etheridge after hearing about the assault incident. So, 14% want politicians beating up high school kids? Eh, guess it doesn’t sound so crazy when you say it out loud.

Congrats to Barton for giving Dems the distraction they were so desperately looking for.

Really, what Barton did was criminal stupidity. I’d rather he beat up high school kids for asking him a question.

Now let’s forget about Barton and build some windmills to stop this oil leak.

You can’t throw a puppy in Germany without hitting a biker gang.

Re Barton and Rand Paul: There is no greater crime for a politician than being politically tone deaf. It’s unforgivable. What would you do with a basketball player if he kept accidentally passing to the other team?

For a politician, being politically tone deaf about an issue is worse than being wrong on an issue.

Sometimes I can’t stand how awesome I am. Literally can’t stand it. I have a mental breakdown.

If Bush had sat around uselessly for two month during an oil leak like this, we’d have so many awesome Bush jokes right now.