IMAO Podcast Reruns (6-6-05)

Well after 7 days at Podbean, I’ve already burned through half my free monthly bandwidth.

The good news is that if I upgrade, there’ll be way more than enough bandwidth & storage to cover all the episodes, unless there’s a sudden, inexplicable, viral demand for five-year-old political humor.

Anyway, I’m gonna go ahead & pay for the upgrade. I figure you guys are worth it. If you feel a pressing need to thank me, you can buy me a nice cigar next time you see me. Something from Cuba would be best, because smoking one of those is like symbolically setting fire to communism.

Episode 2, from 6-6-05 is now available.

* Frank: Introduction
* Our Sponsors
* Frank Topics: The Impending Theocracy
* American Monkey: Interview with guest Senator George Voinovich
* Frank introduces a new podcast sponsor
* Right Wing Duck with the news
* Frank Knowledge: Neutron Stars
* At home with George & Laura Bush
* Harvey: Fun Facts About Alaska
* Commentary from the Hate-Filled Lefty
* SarahK reviews Zoolander
* A Call From Tom DeLay
* Frank Discourse (Roundtable): Deep Throat revealed, FEC regulation of blogs, Amnesty International compares Gitmo to a gulag
* Frank: Conclusion, listener email

DISCLAIMER: I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.