The Kindle

Just so you know, the Amazon Kindle has dropped $70 to $189. Now, SarahK loves her Kindle, but I’ve never cared that much because I’m not into that whole “reading books” thing, but $189 price makes the Kindle notable to me as a backup internet device since you get 3G wireless internet access with no monthly fees. Yeah, it’s black and white and a very basic browser, but it means you will be able to read IMAO from anywhere you can get a cellular signal. Something to think about.

Oh, I probably should make my book
available on Kindle some day…

Monkeys Practice Herding Us

Here are monkeys riding around on sheepdogs herding goats:

Scary, huh? As monkeys learn how to do more and more things, they approach a world where they don’t need us anymore and take over. Thus the Planet of the Apes. Of course, the same thing is happening with robots which leads to a Terminator future. So really, the future awaiting all of us is Planet of the Apes versus Terminator — and I don’t know who will win there.

Of course, it kinda looks like in the video that the sheepdogs are actually doing all the work and the monkeys are just hanging on for dear life, which makes the video less scary and more funny.

Better for Everyone

So the White House, in responding to why they were demagoguing BP CEO Hayward, said that we’re all better off when Obama goes golfing every once in a while. Kinda hard to argue with that. It’s well established by now that Obama is less than useless — he only makes things worse by getting involved. But what if he played golf more?

PRESS: “So when is Obama is going to create some massive new program to ruin American healthcare?

GIBBS: “Not today; he’s too busy playing golf.”

PRESS: “So when is Obama going to pass his stimulus bill and wastefully spend a trillion in tax dollars?”

GIBBS: “Obama is busy in a sand trap; he doesn’t have time for bills.”

PRESS: “When is Obama going to pass Cap & Trade and smother our dying economy with higher energy prices?”

GIBBS: “Obama was out at the driving range and saw the bucket of balls next to him and wondered if his head would fit in it… well, let’s just say he’s not focused on Cap & Trade right now.”

PRESS: “What are Obama’s plans for his reelection campaign?”

GIBBS: “He’s not running for reelection; he’s joining the PGA tour.”

So basically “More Golf = Less Problems”. I say we encourage Obama to keep playing golf, and if he gets bored of that, get him like a Where’s Waldo book or something to keep him distracted.

Top Ten Reasons to Elect Renee Ellmers

Do you know who Renee Ellmers is? She’s running against Rep. Bob Etheridge, who not only gets violently angry when people ask him questions, but has been a reliable vote on all of the Obama agenda. Renee Ellmers, on the other hand, is a true conservative and not a career politician (she’s a nurse — hello, nurse). Also, she is not violence prone. Well, I wrote Top Ten Reasons to Elect Renee Ellmers for her campaign, and I think they are all very good reasons.

Random Thoughts

I hope in Heaven they don’t mind if you just goof off most of the time.

Ivory Coast is not a country name. It’s the name of a resort, at best.

Since people don’t want to do offshore drilling, here’s my new idea: Sky Drilling!

I know I’ve asked this before, but someone is still trying to stop the oil leak, right? BP, the fed governement, Aquaman, someone?

All that precious, precious oil and it’s becoming wet and dirty and covered in pelican feathers.

Where did Pandora get the idea I wanted to hear Counting Crows?

If Huckabee is the Republican nominee in 2012, I’ll murder myself in my sleep.

If Ron Paul is the Republican nominee in 2012, I’ll see if bearded Obama can help me get back to my home dimension.

2% responded to a poll saying Obama’s response to the oil spill was “too quick”. I guess you can’t have a poll option so ridiculous you won’t get at least a few takers.

Maybe those who selected the “too quick” option were Ents. Or maybe they were conspiracy theorists. “There was no way he’d be able to respond weeks later unless he knew it was going to happen!”

If you vote for Crist, you can never complain about anything in politics ever again because that guy embodies the worst of it.