Knife Bans

Apparently, Tansocean — the largest offshore drilling contractor — bans its employees from having knives. This nearly killed some people on the BP rig because they weren’t able to cut the rope to a life boat.

Let’s analyze this like like we’re not morons for a minute. You have employees that you don’t trust around sharp objects because you’re afraid they’ll randomly stab each other, but you do trust them to be in charge of equipment that if damages can cause one of the greatest ecological disasters in human history?

Are there really people out there who think that complete psychopaths can function normally in society as long as we keep dangerous objects out of arm’s reach? Or is it that people just say, “Knives are sharp! Let’s get rid of them!” and then don’t think any beyond that? These are the marks of people too stupid to function in normal society. They should be locked away and kept from dangerous weapons… except they somehow always end up in charge of making policy. These were the people who were unable to sharpen a rock in the caveman days and then got stepped on by large creatures. Unfortunately, we no longer have something to sort the useful people from the idiots like a woolly mammoth anymore.

Libertarians and the Republican Party

Ron Paul thinks that Republicans may elect a libertarian-minded candidate in 2012. I certainly prefer libertarian-leaning candidates. I think the simple solution is less government and people make their own choices and that works best for everyone.

But we don’t want any full-bore libertarians.

I don’t know what it is, but when you go all the way down the libertarian path, it leads to complete insanity. Just look at Ron Paul followers — they’re pretend-to-be-Spock-and-bite-each-other crazy. The libertarian philosophy seems reasonable enough, but it somehow always leads to candidates who accidentally dye themselves blue or carry around a pet ferret named Gustav.

So anyway, let’s definitely get someone in 2012 sympathetic to libertarian ideals who is adamantly against fiscal irresponsibility and government expansion — and for individualism — but if any candidates start foaming at the mouth, screaming “FIAT MONEY!!!!!”, back away and don’t make eye contact. Still, pure libertarians have a place in the GOP, but they’re sort of like Murdoch to the Republican A-Team: They keep breaking him out of the insane asylum because he’s useful for certain situations, but they’re not going to put him in charge of anything. Or there will be much fool pitying.

Frank Responds to Spam Comments

I get a decent amount of spam comments to IMAO, where they try feebly to look like normal comments but are usually to really old posts and include some link to some odd site. Still, they in make me feel special in some way, yet I never even try and respond to them, which seems rude. You really all could learn something from these comments, so here are some I’ve collected:

This particular is one of the nicest write-up which My spouse and i have study till date on this particular concern. Absolutely descriptive but still to the point without the need for any kind of nonsense.

Thank you. This is what we strive for at IMAO: Descriptive write ups on particular concerns that avoid nonsense so both you and Your spouse can enjoy them.

If you don’t mind my asking, do you make good wealthfrom this blog?

I don’t know if I would describe the wealthfrom this blog as “good”, but perhaps “fair”.

Couldn?t be written any better. Reading this post reminds me of my old room mate! He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

One of the things we strive for most at IMAO is reuniting people with old roommates. I hope when you forward the blog post to him, he have extra good read! Oh, the times you shall remember!

Superb! This is all I can say just for a post like this amazing. This important is very a completely revealing post on the blog. You really need to know a lot about this valuable

Thank you. Your comment make me pleasure happy. I study much about valuable so I can make superb revealing posts that are amazing. That’s what me do.

I didn’t quite understand this to begin with. But when I read it a second time, it all added up in my mind. Thanks for the idea. Certainly something to spend some time on.

When things don’t added up in my mind, I stop and say to myself, “You know, dogs don’t actually talk, so maybe it’s not a good idea to listen to that dog and kill those people.” I hope that similar to idea I give you.

I appreciate it, this was a very informative blog post. I think that everyone must come here because governments are very important to learn. Thank you once again!

Yes, but in Soviet Russia, governments learn YOU!

Random Thoughts

After that Isner/Mahut game, maybe they’ll change the name from “tennis” to “hundrednis”.

If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.

People who compare global warming skepticism to Holocaust denial are, in the least, Holocaust belittlers.

So is the federal government strategy for the oil leak still to just wait for BP to figure something out?