IMAO Podcast Reruns (6-13-05)

Episode 3, from 6-13-05 is now available.

* Introduction & sponsors (No gags in this week’s intro, so it was kinda dull. Skip to the 2 minute mark if you get bored.)
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: How to box a chimpanzee
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Arizona Part 1
* Right Wing Duck with the Border Report
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Arizona Part 2
* SarahK reviews the entire Firefly series
* Right Wing Duck’s One Minute of Funny: John Kerry
* New Sponsor: Lakeside Psychiatry
* Spacemonkey & Right Wing Duck get paid by Frank
* Frank J & SarahK do some wedding planning
* Frank Discourse (Roundtable): the panel dissects Frank J’s phone call to the Rush Limbaugh show (Bob Geldoff, Live Aid, Dave Matthews, and Frank’s failure to pimp the blog)
* Frank: Conclusion, listener email

DISCLAIMER: I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.