It’s an Extra Special Time to Point and Laugh at Kos

Every day is a great day to laugh at Kos and his wacky denizens, but it’s an extra special time right now. Kos has his book American Taliban coming out which is how conservatives Taliban because he really doesn’t like conservatives and he sorta doesn’t like the Taliban (though he can understand their anger at America and the Jews), and it’s a yawn inducing argument now even among the poo-throwers and eaters at Daily Kos.

But now it’s interesting. Because Kos is suing the polling firm he relied on for many of his book’s conclusions for just making data up. And they’re counter suing him for being a twerp or something.

So let’s all take some time out of our day to point and laugh at Kos… not for ourselves, but to help him learn to do better in the future.

The K in Kerry Stands for Dumbass

I’m on John Kerry’s e-mail list for some reason, and I got an e-mail from him titled this yesterday:

“The R in Rand Stands for Radical”

And I was dumbstruck. I don’t get how a grown man would write that thinking it’s clever. It’s like what Data would come up with if you tasked him to make a clever statement belittling someone. It’s an imitation of being clever while completely missing the concept.

Basically, the statement is a failed attempt to say “Rand and Radical Both Start with an R” in a clever way, which wasn’t really a worthwhile observation to begin with. Now, if Rand Paul’s name were “Bob R. Paul” and Kerry said, “The R in Bob R. Paul Stand for Radical”, that would be clever… for a four year old. As it is, Kerry just completely missed the clever boat. Let me point out the obvious: The R doesn’t stand for anything because Rand’s name is not an acronym. It’s just the first letter of his name. Kerry’s statement makes only slightly more sense than “The N in Rand Stands for Not Someone You Should Elect”… except that is so overly awkward and wooden that it’s actually a little funny (much like John Kerry himself).

During 2004, John Kerry demonstrated he had trouble with relating with normal human beings, and he really shouldn’t try. His e-mail would have been just fine titled “Rand is a Radical”, but instead he attempted and failed at something humorous. And humor is about making an intellectual connection with your audience saying, “I think like you.” But if from Kerry’s humor you recognize he thinks like a moron, then his message is “You’re a drooling idiot like me and would think this is clever.” So his humor is actually insulting. And thus who would want to read his stupid e-mail after that?

This isn’t just my opinion. This is the opinion of a political humor expert… who is me. And some politician really shouldn’t play with humor without an expert watching.

Frum Hell

John Hawkins wouldn’t let David Frum’s site, the Frum Forum, into the Conservative Blog Ads Hive because Frum is not a conservative, he’s a dingus (though I am in the Conservative Blog Ads Hive because of my awesomeness). This made Frum mad and he was all “I’m telling the truth and people can’t stand it, blah blah blah, clippity clop!” And then know who came out to defend Frum? Andrew Sullivan, Charles Johnson, and Media Matters’s David Brock. Wow, what super conservative friends you have, Frum.

Anyway, if Frum wants to say he’s a conservative, then fine — he’s a conservative. That’s opinion, really, and people can have their opinions. But they also have to note this about him which is not an opinion but an objective fact if you think Frum is a conservative: He’s a complete and utter moron.

How is that an objective fact? Well, let’s look at what Frum is trying to do. He says he wants to convince conservatives away from radicalism. So he needs a message tailored to conservatives. Instead though, all he is ever able to do is antagonize conservatives and the only people who like his message about how mean and awful the conservatives are are liberals. So are we supposed to believe Frum is a super smart member of conservatives with a message conservatives need to hear yet has no idea how conservatives think and thus is completely unable to communicate to them in a useful way?

There are either two possibilities: Frum isn’t trying to antagonize conservatives which means he’s doing it by accident because he’s a complete an utter moron with no idea how to talk to people. And if someone doesn’t understand people — doesn’t understand how conservatives behave — how worthwhile would his political viewpoints be and is there any point in listening to him?

The other possibility is Frum is purposely trying to antagonize conservative because he’s not a conservative. Instead, he’s a dingus. And is there any point in listening to a dingus?

So there are your two possibilities for Frum: Moron conservative who its pointless to listen or dingus who its pointless to listen to. Any other possibility doesn’t fit with the facts.

Random Thoughts

I’m almost convinced daylight savings was invented out of a hatred of programmers.

Seems like a good day to point and laugh at Kos. In other words, a Tuesday.

I forget: What happened when someone called me on the phone during my favorite TV show before DVR?

Thinking about TV watching habits pre-DVR, I vaguely remember the phrase “Did I miss anything?”

Now I head to bed alone. I lost out to sparkly vampires.