Full of Awesome

Hart of That Hero (who’s a regular and talented contributor to lolbama! & lolterizt! here at IMAO) did an excellent pictoral takedown of Congressman Bob “Who Are You?” Etheridge.

Those who do not follow the link will be permanently banned from ever receiving High Praise! at IMAO and also forced to listen to Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” as performed by the London Vuvuzela Orchestra.


  1. Long after Obama is voted out of office in disgrace and moves back to wherever he is actually from, people should still ask this idiot Etheridge, “Do you support Obama’s agenda?” every time they see him.

  2. On the up side he did a great job of dancing around the question and indeed never really answered it to anyone’s satisfaction. On the down side he never did find out who those guys were. Maybe he can have full blown congressional investigative hearings where he and several of his Democrat pals can all get together as a body and ask the question of the day….Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?) I really wanna know! (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?) Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?) ‘Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

  3. Those who do not follow the link will be permanently banned from ever receiving High Praise! at IMAO and also forced to listen to Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”

    There ain’t anything “kleine” about it if it’s played on those plastic horns.

    And I just had a random thought randomly about those horns. If you watch the World Cup with the volume muted and the subtitles on, do the subtitles say, “BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOT BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT BLOOOOOOT?”

    We’d hate for the deaf to be spared from South African culture.

  4. I followed the link and I want my “High Praise” right now. You promised me some high praise and I know just like the current resident of the oval orifice, I mean office, you’re gonna’ give it to me, no matter how you act or what else you say.

    So come on, where is it? Whaaaaaaaaaa snivel, sniffle, shuffle.

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