It’s an Extra Special Time to Point and Laugh at Kos

Every day is a great day to laugh at Kos and his wacky denizens, but it’s an extra special time right now. Kos has his book American Taliban coming out which is how conservatives Taliban because he really doesn’t like conservatives and he sorta doesn’t like the Taliban (though he can understand their anger at America and the Jews), and it’s a yawn inducing argument now even among the poo-throwers and eaters at Daily Kos.

But now it’s interesting. Because Kos is suing the polling firm he relied on for many of his book’s conclusions for just making data up. And they’re counter suing him for being a twerp or something.

So let’s all take some time out of our day to point and laugh at Kos… not for ourselves, but to help him learn to do better in the future.


  1. “ help him learn to do better in the future…”

    I propose we all check in on him in exactly 60 years, and not a moment before then , to see if he has learned to do better in the future.

  2. It’s funny stuff anyway you look at it. Comparing US conservatives to the Taliban is something only the nitwits at Daily Kos could do. And with Mouse-A-Eliteass essentially renouncing the polling he used in his American Taliban book, anyone who buys this book has to be a moron. Which coincidently, is what you have to be to post at Daily Kos. Which means all his Kos Kiddies will buy it. And of course so will Charles “I ban and delete you” Johnson.

  3. I gotta go with with Moulitsas on this one. After all, he did consult with three experts — a frog, a turtle and a vole — who confirmed (after taking time off from their busy schedule on Obama’s Oil Leak Blame Commission) that the results were questionable, given the original data they never looked at.

  4. Kos is basically a political hack, and his problems with the pollsters show the weakness of being a hack regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall on. However, he also served in combat for the USA, so anyone who didn’t wear the uniform should also recognize that no matter how much stupid stuff Kos may say, he’s still a greater American than you.

    [To be accurate, I believe Kos served during the Gulf War, not in it, so not in combat. -Ed.]

  5. So, he wrote books based entirely on falsified research. So what? Doesn’t that elevate you to Dan Rather, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann status among the leftards? I mean, now he qualifies to be added to Oprah’s favorite book list.

  6. Frank you do a disservice. So his DAILY State of the Nation polls were joke? He would want us to laugh at him, that was the point. I say we see through his monkey clever liberal ploy and just go straight to the poo-flinging.

  7. Good golly! This would have been a better article if you were able to follow the simple rules of English. As it is, it’s barely comprehensible. You can make your excuses about homonyms and synonyms all day long, but at the end of the day, you still are not able to put a simple sentence together.

  8. I reject the English sentence and grammar rules that our British slave masters forced upon our ancestors! I guess you should ask yourself why you are the uncle tom of English grammar.

    Down with white imperialist language structures!

  9. John, err, Kos, makes it clear the Koskids are trolling about to defend their pole-impaired leader. He must understand that the Kos poll’s greatest fault is the pool which was polled. You just can’t limit your polling group to the White House press pool. I assume Kos was inspired by Ted Kennedy, who knew all about pool polling.

  10. # Zeb says:
    June 30th, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Kos is basically a political hack, and his problems with the pollsters show the weakness of being a hack regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall on. However, he also served in combat for the USA, so anyone who didn’t wear the uniform should also recognize that no matter how much stupid stuff Kos may say, he’s still a greater American than you.

    [To be accurate, I believe Kos served during the Gulf War, not in it, so not in combat. -Ed.]

    WTF Zeb. That is about the most asinine thing I think that could be said. Although I believe that those of us that have worn the uniform for our country (former Marine right here so give me some love) should get more than average share of respect, it still doesn’t insulate you from being criticized for being a dumb ass. In fact if Kos did serve then he should know better and deserves all the more criticisms for his deranged rantings. I feel that the chicken hawk argument is in the same category as the racist one. It is a stupid default position that is used as a substitute for actual thinking and debating a person on the merits of the issues, and the issue in this case is Kos is a moron.

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