Random Thoughts

After that Isner/Mahut game, maybe they’ll change the name from “tennis” to “hundrednis”.

If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.

People who compare global warming skepticism to Holocaust denial are, in the least, Holocaust belittlers.

So is the federal government strategy for the oil leak still to just wait for BP to figure something out?


  1. -So Obamas strategy for the oil leak is the same as is solution for an overrun border. I am many things by that…. surprised is not one of them.

    -What can you put in a monkey wrench to stop it form working? A bannana wrench?

    -Imagine if it had been called British Oil or B.O. instead of B.P. I think it would be awesome.

    -What if we make the border more like a house party with a “bring your own oil” door fee.

    – I dont think I want to live in an America where people who google something like “pipe bombs for Allah” are put on a government watch list but people who google “Justin Bieber concert tickets” are free to walk around around the sidewalks in our neighborhoods unwatched. People stress about the hadron Collider creating a black hole but if one of these single brained organisms trips and it goes out a mini-black hole devoid of space time and near infinity gravity will develop. Oh sure at least they will probably take the rest of the fans down with them first but that is little solace to the rest of us.

  2. I place the folks who stand in line for a phone as the same crowd who stood in line all night to pay maximum top dollar for the newest Playstation or newest version of Windows. Dime to a dollar they are obamavoters.

    The morons who compare a fake Science! scam to the murder of 12 million people at a minimum needs an atomic wedgie.

    On the other hand, maybe not. They might like it.

    The oil gusher gas been handled with the usual skill, competance, wisdom, and speed of a liberal government. Why is anyone suprised? These are the clowns that gave new home tax credits to prisoners behind bars.

  3. -So scientists now say a fetus cant feel pain before 24 weeks. Awesome, if I want to murder someone I will give them some pain killers first and then the feministas will totally fight for my right to murder.

    -So Obama is creating a plan to use homeland security to instantly grant de-facto amnesty to all 20 million current illegals. Chaser question will you on the right that backed Bush creating the Department of Homeland Security admit it was a really bad idea?

    -Next time your party is in charge and you want to create a new law or legal authority precedent or a random department, instead of thinking about how your party is going to use it ask yourself all the treacherous ways the other party could use it.

  4. -Storm I am looking for a new liberal site (my current one has gone feral) to peruse what they are thinking. I think I remember you saying you did that sometimes any good refers?

    -Frank, thanks for not following the herd and turning IMAO into the new white everywhere website design. Will they stop after labor day?

  5. If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.

    Were you a smart child, Frank? Everyone knows that in Soviet Russia phone buys you.

    Random thought: My sister’s Nymphicus hollandicus likes to sing into his water bowl so he can hear an echo.

  6. After that Isner/Mahut game, maybe they’ll change the name from “tennis” to “hundrednis”.

    Movies, novels, sports…is there anything the English can’t make overlong and boring?

  7. People who compare global warming skepticism to Holocaust denial are, in the least, Holocaust belittlers.

    Or stupid europeans.

    Random thoughts:
    When did the nerdy beatle become relevant?
    The dork in the white house is so inept, he doesn’t even realize he got mustard on his tie.
    If you can’t cleanup a tie, how do you clean up a coast line?
    Were the burgers he and Vlad shared part part lion?
    If FrankJ gets an new Iphone, does the IMAO babe get new bullets?

  8. People who compare global warming skepticism to Holocaust denial are, in the least, Holocaust belittlers.

    Liberals are such children. Everything they even mildly dislike must be the absolute worst thing in the world. If we were to emulate them, we’d call Obama’s polices the Great Leap Forward — approximately 20 million killed due to a misguided leftist economic policy.

  9. “If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.”

    Are you sure they didn’t? Have you by any chance checked out the current occupant of the oval orifice? I’m just saying……..

  10. “If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.”

    Or that the they successfully blocked the breakup of AT&T and they just released a new rotory phone (Now in Blue! as well as white or black)

  11. If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.

    I wonder how many of the people standing in line now were among those who stood in line to buy the original iPhone and then complained when Apple cut the price substantially a few months later. And how many of them will complain when Apple does it again. It’s the rational thing for Apple to do. They’re a monopolist, as confirmed by the people standing in line to buy iPhones. It makes perfect economic sense for a monopolist to practice price discrimination. I used to do it myself when I was the pricing manager for a sizable software vendor.

  12. “If you told me as a child than in 2010 people would stand hours in line to buy a phone, I would have thought the Soviets had won.”

    That’s silly. The communists won, but not all communists are Russians.

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