July 5th

Today is July 5th, the day we celebrate the day after signing the Declaration of Independence. That’s when the Founding Fathers were all like, “What did we just do? What did we just do? How drunk were we? The British are so going to kill all of us. They are going to come over here in red coats and shoot us with muskets!”

And another was like, “Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe we can take it back and… Oh no! The mailman already came! That letter is going to King George, and he is going to capture us all and throw us in a pit filled with angry baboons. I just know it!”

And John Hancock was like, “Why did I have to sign it so big? I just wanted to show my wife I’m a big man. They’re going to hang me while shooting me with muskets. I’m going to go dig a hole and hide in it.”

And George Washington was like, “You idiots! Another fine mess you’ve gotten me into. Guess there’s nothing left to do except beat the British militarily and form our own country. Anyone have like a For Dummies book on military tactics or something?”

And that’s the story of our country.

Are Global Warming Skeptics Like Holocaust Deniers?

I answer that and express genuine, scientific concern about the sun killing us in my new Pajamas Media column.

Quote of the Day

Something a friend of mine passed along to me recently:

President Obama said regarding Afghanistan, “I don’t have a crystal ball“.

I hate it when he unnecessarily uses a word like “crystal”.

IMAO Podcast Reruns (6-20-05)

Episode 4, from 6-20-05 is now available.

* Pre-introduction w/ Frank & Kevin
* Introduction & sponsors (spiced up & not as boring this time)
* “World of Knowledge” w/ host Frank J: Geocentric vs. Heliocentric solar system models
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Arkansas Part 1
* Hate-filled Lefty gets therapy
* Harvey: Fun Facts about Arkansas Part 2
* Right Wing Duck’s Border Report
* SarahK reviews The Cat in the Hat
* Lawrence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: Goldilocks & the Three Bears
* George Bush & the Saudi Ambassador
* Frank Discourse (Roundtable): Dick Durbin’s complaints about interrogation techniques
* Frank: Conclusion, listener email

DISCLAIMER: I offer no guarantees as to the quality of the audio or of the material. Listen at your own risk.

Enjoy the show.