Religious Question

If I may be serious for a moment, I have a religious question. Now considering Islam came more than six hundred years after Christianity, what new moral teachings does it add? I know it adds news stuff you’re supposed to do which is reminiscent of Jewish law, but does it actually teach anything new or different about faith? For instance, Christianity had a number of big changes from Judaism such as making it a religion for all people, new teaching on salvation and eternal life, and a greater importance on faith versus acts (specifically the strict Jewish law). With Islam, I know the tenets which seems like a number of new things on top of Jewish law plus some borrowing of Christian concepts of universalism and the afterlife, but I don’t know of anything new or unique it teaching about religion or faith in general. So what significant new things does it teach us about religion and morality? Seems like a good question for any religion that claims to replace another.

What Should Republicans Do If They Take Back Congress?

Obama is doing so awful as president that it’s pretty likely that the Republicans will reclaim the House and they might even take the Senate. So what should the Republicans do if that happens considering Obama will still be president? Here is my advice as a smart blogger guy on the internets.

* Party. If Republicans take back Congress, they should throw an awesome party to celebrate. This will help get people excited and let them know things are about to turn around. Plus, balloon animals!

* Don’t let Obama do anything. Obama doing stuff is what made the American people so angry, so it logically follows that keeping him from doing anything will make everyone happy. Obama will be like, “I want to socialize more stuff.” And Republicans should say, “No! Go play with this bucket.”

* Reduce the government. The government is too big, so make it smaller. Obama might not go along with this, though, so instead of using the legislative process, just sneak out in the middle of the night and steal some government and then bury it in the ground so no one can find it.

* Cut taxes. Again this will be hard without Obama’s support, but the Republicans can descend on the IRS with a bunch of switchblades and get a similar result.

* Repeal Obamacare. Once again, probably can’t do this the normally way without Obama’s vote, but if the Republicans get together and burn every physical copy and delete every soft copy of the Obamacare bill, that will effectively be a repeal since no one will know what the law was to follow it. It was thousands of pages no one read; it will be gone forever.

* Replace Obama with a robot who will do whatever Republicans say. This sounds hard, but it isn’t. First, build a robot that is identical to Obama. Then, declare robot twins to be illegal. Next, claim that the real Obama is really the robot twin so he gets carted off to robot prison where he’ll never be seen again as he’ll have to wear an iron mask which is the type of masks robots like to wear.

Happy Birthday, SarahK!

It’s SarahK’s birthday! Everyone wish her a happy birthday! Yes, this is the second SarahK birthday post on IMAO, but she deserves it because she’s having a birthday for two. She is very pregnant right now, so much so she has trouble sleeping. Yet, despite the difficulty, she does it a lot.

Here’s a drawing of what she looks like pregnant:

So what am I getting SarahK? Unfortunately, I spent the last of our money getting the dog and the baby matching hats. I think that will look very cool when Buttercup rides the dog like a horse, though I still need to save up and buy the dog saddle. Anyway, so all I’m getting SarahK is well-wishes; she’s married to me, so why would she need anything more? So everyone wish her a happy birthday, and if her birthday isn’t happy I’m blaming all of you. Next time you hear a knock at your door, that will be me with a bat.


It’s also Basil’s birthday. Above, I drew what Basil would like if he were a girl and pregnant.

Random Thoughts

When can America get its next Coolidge? I guess we first have to elect the next Harding and have him die.

Democracy is ‘ight, but eventually we need a system where we don’t end up with sociopaths running everything. Or at least keep the government so small those people can only do limited damage.

The perfect president is someone with the humility to not desire to accomplish anything grand, but no one like that is going to run.

The perfect conservative would have to be dragged kicking and screaming into politics.

I want politicians who complain every day about how being stuck in office keeps them from doing anything useful.

Question for Apple: “During testing, did you ever think of having someone touch the phone?”

The goal of the Apple press conference seems to be to make people feel stupid for complaining. Might work.

So how hard is Obama going to work against a GOP takeover of Congress considering how that should help his reelection chances?

Ad: “It’s like 3 sleeping pills in one!” How about instead: “It’s like taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills at once!”

I like complaining about stuff. More people say and do stupid things so I can complain.

I should have bought an iPhone 4. I’d so be able to complain right now.

You can add “Aquaman” to anything and it becomes a punchline. That’s one of his superpowers.

President Obama e-mailing me each day to assure me he’s not plotting to kill me is starting to have the opposite effect he intends.

Last night, wife stood over me and said, “Get out!” Was talking to the dog, but I thought I was dreaming and tried to kick her.

I don’t believe in ghosts. But I also didn’t believe in spiders and it ends up those are real.

So far I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Inception. Guess I won’t go see it. Things I keep hearing about Inception: Formulaic, predictable, and the plot is basically a ripoff of Bad Boys 2.

The perfect birthday present

It’s SarahK’s birthday! Actually, it became her birthday a couple of hours ago (as of when this post is published), but since she lives in MountaineerMusings Time Zone, her birthday comes two hours later than those of us that live in Eastern Time Zone. But, to make up for it, she gets to say “I can do what I want; it’s my birthday!” for two hours longer than us East Coast folk.

Anyway, it’s her special day, and we were wondering what Frank’s getting her for her birthday this year.

Well, he did get her something already: pregnant. I don’t think he had her birthday in mind when that happened, but I could be wrong. I haven’t asked. And ain’t going to. So, as happy as she is with carrying little Princess Buttercup, Frank still owes her a birthday present.

Still, Frank, being a guy, is just liable to slip up and not have a present ready. Yesterday was Sunday, and everyone knows that Boise closes at sundown on Saturday. So, unless he ran by the Jackson’s Foods and got her a coupon for a Blazin’ Burrito, he might be scrambling around today. So perhaps he could use some suggestions.

Some facts that might be helpful…

  • SarahK shares a birthday with Samuel Colt. So anything firearms related would be great.
  • She also shares a birthday with Lizzie Borden, so whatever he picks better be good.
  • She and comedian Jim Norton share a birthday, so whatever it is, it better make her laugh.
  • And, she shares a birthday with Queen guitarist Brian May (the really really smart one in the group), so whatever the present is, it better rock!

If you have suggestions, offer them here. Because there’s nothing Frank likes better than a bunch of people telling him what to do.