Because He Was The Only Good Thing About The UN

You remember John Bolton, right?


  1. Amazon doesn’t seem to get the concept of marketing on the internets. I’m staring at a full block of Amazon ads for Obama memorabilia. What does that do for your click rate?

  2. Sgt Relic – Someday, Obama memorabilia will have the same value, and for the same reason as Carter memorabilia, i.e. after embarrassing his nation with his presidency, and for 40 years of retarted, unhelpful, unAmerican statements afterwards, people will want to buy huge huge piles of the stuff to set on fire to celebrate his death.

  3. @Bob’s Son: It would be so nice to dump the UN. These morons come to the UN for two reasons: First, to beat on the Jews. Second, to live it up as diplomats in New York. They go everywhere else only to rape and prey on children. First hand, I can tell of a “school for boys” opened by a French man under the auspices of the UN in Southeast Asia.

    I thought about doing a blog supporting a UN ouster, but I know that reading and writing about the UN each day would make me a truly miserable human — no exaggeration.

    @Harvey: That typo was intentional, no? It’s good either way.

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