Gun Control Advocates, the Flat Earthers of Politics

At Pajamas Media, I have what I hope to be an epitaph of gun control advocates. Read and be entertained!


  1. Bully! Inspiring.

    Maybe one day, someone could make a pill which opens up that mental block of pure stupid that has them repeating “Guns are bad!” over and over like that’s an actual argument.

    That would be the synapse in the brain that informs a human of the primacy of empirical evidence over unfounded theory.

  2. Excellent article, Frank. Says all that needs to be said.

    Liberals are the ultimate clingers. They cling to calling people who disagree with them racist, they cling to long since disproved theories on every issue and they cling to the stupid notion they know what’s best for us better than we do.

  3. We need a program to cure hoplophobia (fear of weapons). We can take the wimpy libbies out to the firing range and introduce them to the fun and excitement. We will need a gummint grant for this, and it will create jobs. We could call it TARP…Training Armed Republican People. Because after the range time, they’ss grow a set and cease beiing liberals,

    I’ll volunteer to texch, but not the change the needed diapers the liberals will need to wear and have changed after the first visit.

    Good column, Frank. One could say you hit the bullseye.

  4. If it wasn’t for how fast Bush and how even faster Obama has been expanding government, then alot less American people would be worried about the principle of losing their second amendment rights as the citizens last line of defense against out of control government.

    If it wasn’t for political correctness alot less people would be worried about free speech rights which was exactly how we got political correctness in the first place

    You ever run into a bunch of college kids who think political correctness was some sort accomplishment by the right? PC is basically the lefts greatest trophy of the last 100 years.

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