Happy Birthday, SarahK!

It’s SarahK’s birthday! Everyone wish her a happy birthday! Yes, this is the second SarahK birthday post on IMAO, but she deserves it because she’s having a birthday for two. She is very pregnant right now, so much so she has trouble sleeping. Yet, despite the difficulty, she does it a lot.

Here’s a drawing of what she looks like pregnant:

So what am I getting SarahK? Unfortunately, I spent the last of our money getting the dog and the baby matching hats. I think that will look very cool when Buttercup rides the dog like a horse, though I still need to save up and buy the dog saddle. Anyway, so all I’m getting SarahK is well-wishes; she’s married to me, so why would she need anything more? So everyone wish her a happy birthday, and if her birthday isn’t happy I’m blaming all of you. Next time you hear a knock at your door, that will be me with a bat.


It’s also Basil’s birthday. Above, I drew what Basil would like if he were a girl and pregnant.


  1. Happy Birthday Sarah! I hope your day is fun and peaceful. Make sure Frank gets you something nice and takes you out to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. He owes you big time after that drawing of you he made. I don’t know if you’re Catholic, but you’re in line for sainthood big time for putting up with a goof like Frank. Just like my wife would be inline for a sainthood for putting up with a goof like me if she wasn’t Jewish.

  2. “There now Frank will not have to hit me with a bat.”

    Good thing I live in Florida, so Frank is gonna have to go on a big time road trip to visit me with his bat. Just in case, though, I’m keeping my .45 ACP with a clip of hollow points handy whenever I answer the door.

  3. Happy birthday, Sarah. May a thousand hippies be punched as I write this to honor you.

    Frank, as a sort of birthday gift I would suggest etching “Hot lips SarahK” on your rifle.

  4. Happy Birthday SarahK. The greatest gift possible is the Buttercup!

    How does Rowdy feel about becoming a beast of burden?

    FrankJ, I love your artwork generally. The portrait of SarahK is really quite becoming, However, the picture of Basil looks a little rushed, and not up to your usual lofty standards.

  5. Sarahk, oh please do put Frank’s artwork in Buttercup’s scrapbook. There will come a time, in the not so distant future, when you will be able to turn the pages of her scrapbook and see the point at which her wee artistic abilities exceeded her dad’s.

    I defy folks to look upon or hold a baby and deny the existence of a loving and almighty God. The same is true when we feel the infectious and wonderful love, joy and excitement of a new family. I pray continued blessings for you, your baby, and even for Frank.

  6. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday SarahK,
    Happy Birthday to you.

    And many more. Here’s wishing you a swift pregnancy (well what’s left of it) and a quick and easy delivery.

  7. Happy, happy birthday, on this your special day;
    Happy, happy birthday, that’s what I’m here to say (hey!);
    Happy, happy birthday, may all your dreams come true*;
    Happy, happy birthday**, from Genghis Khen to you!

    *Dreams coming true not guaranteed, especially the bad ones where the baby comes out looking like Frank.
    **Technically, it isn’t your birthday, since your weren’t born today. It’s actually your birth anniversary, but that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue as well, now does it?

  8. “I’m going to print out this comic and put it in the baby book.”

    Wow, kewl! Hey, liven up everybody, we’re gonna be in Buttercup’s baby scrap book. Dang, if I had known I would have worn something nicer than shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt. It is Florida in the middle of July, whaddaya expect?

  9. Well I already wrote a “WingPao Shiggz” and his continuing story with pet duck “quackers” for your burfday. Is hard to get your brain to rearrange words all wrong.. on purpose… I take me a few minutes to get my brain to do it but for hours after-wards It keeps happening randomly.

  10. Happy Birthday SarahK! -Just don’t drink too much, the baby might end up hungover then throw up while inside you. …and that’s gross.

    Happy Birthday Basil! When’s your baby due? (if you were a girl and pregnant)

  11. Happy Birthday Ms. SarahK!

    Ummm….Frnak….. There is a song playing alot on the country music radio station(s) where the opening line (and the main verse) is…

    “Our houses are protected by the Good Lord & a Gun and you’ll probably meet them both if you show up here unwelcome Son.”

    Just sayin is all……Of course you’de always be welcome here……long as ya leave the Ball Bat at home. Perhaps if ya arrived with a six pack of adult beverages….. that could possibly convince me of the err of my ways.

  12. “Soon as the evening shades prevail,
    The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
    And nightly to the listening earth
    Repeats the story of her birth;
    While all the stars that round her burn,
    And all the planets in their turn,
    Confirm the tidings as they roll,
    And spread the truth from pole to pole.”
    – Joseph Addison, Ode

    Happy Birthday!

  13. If you ever come to the Big Apple, I will babysit for the Princess Buttercup ! While you whip out your pink pistol and patrol the liberal streets. And Aquaman will guard the House while you are gone ! Happy Birthday to SarahK and Best Birthday Boy to Basil and my birthday is in 3 days, so I’ll be up at city island on a rock looking for Aquaman !

  14. They lied to you Sarah, you can drink as much as you like, just stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and generally anything worth drinking. Pregnancy sucks. Just my take on things.

  15. You could give her the free pair of booties. Then you could say it was from you and that you bought it. I don’t think she’ll believe you, but a plot like this almost worked for my daughter when she took the book my son had ordered at school with his own money and tried to give it to him for his birthday. If it weren’t for that meddling mommy who already had contacted the school and knew the book orders had been delivered days earlier, it would have worked too!

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