It’s Like E-Mails Between Mental Hospital Patients

The Daily Caller has released even more e-mails from the Journolist, and now among the visceral hatred of people who disagree with them and wishing death upon them is a call to have FOX News shut down by the government. I have to say this is really informative to the American people to see what liberal journalists say when they think no one else is listening. I’m not saying these guys are capital F-fascists as they aren’t literally part of the Fascist Party in 1930s Italy, but they’re pretty fascist. I mean, could you imagine a country run by these nutballs? The reason the horrors of the Nazis don’t happen all the time is because it’s so seldom shrill idiots like these can ever get real power because of how they constantly turn all normal people against them.

And the best of the people on the Jurnolist just kind of stayed silent about all the crazy hatred from their fellow liberal journalists. Shouldn’t they have warned us about how mental their colleagues were and how they could get violent at any time?

Let’s take this as a lesson: When liberals gather together without any supervision from right-leaning people, they go completely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. For an example, see almost any college campus.


  1. I don’t know why you had to drag Cocoa Puffs into this, Frank. Is that like going bananas? What about bananas on your Cocoa Puffs? Would that require a different bird? Like a thunderbird… or a condor? Maybe a buzzard.

  2. Errr,,,umm… they are kind of in power. 1993-2001. then 2088 to present. It’s scary tot hink they have their finger on the button. Good thing they are too dumb to know how to use it. Hard to find the button with a bucket on the head.

  3. Note to journalists: The second rule of conspiracies is that one should never commit a conspiracy to paper or electronic format. The first rule is that each person added to a conspiracy adds to the probability of discovery which ultimately approaches 100%.

    In journolist speak, that would be: Don’t tell anyone ‘cuz we’ll all get busted.

  4. Jimmy, under the provisions of the recent two thousand page Health Care bill (as amended) it is specificly stated in part one, chapter two, paragraph three (b) sub paragraph nine (7a) page one thousand thirty-two, and I quote, “Any person or persons or entity wishing to partake of bananas, or other vegetable or fruit like material, on their Coco Puffs or any other breakfast cereal including grits, oatmeal, or cold cereal (as defined in part three of this bill, chapter five, paragraph ten, sub paragraph six (5c)*, shall have a valid permit allowing them to do so as issued by the the Cereal Additives division of the Health Services Department of the General Services Administration” end quote. In order to obtain such a permit all you have to do is remit the proper user fee and a properly filled out GSA Form 202(M) to the above department, hope this helps……zzyzx, faceless bureaucrat, Washington DC. *See addendum twelve for exceptions to this chapter

  5. So, zzyzx, if I fill out their GSA Form 202 stroke M form, you’re saying I could then go “buzzards for bananas on Cocoa Puffs?” And if I don’t fill it out, will they come and get me or can I just sick the buzzards on the bastards? ‘Cause that would be funner.

  6. But, zzyzx, in part three, chapter one, paragraph seventeen (2c), sub paragraph three, page four million and seventy, the bill states, “Any person with a disability such as conservatism, AIDS, or skin color other than white shall disregard the statement regarding bananas, or other vegetable or fruit like material for use on Coco Puffs or any other breakfast cereal including grits, oatmeal, or cold cereal (as defined in part three of this bill, chapter five, paragraph ten, sub paragraph six (5c)) as the statement in question was written for ‘s**ts and giggles’ by one of the Honorable Representatives from Vermont.”

  7. Well Jimmy, looks like you’re off the hook this time, thanks to your subversive pal Marco Mancuso. Seems he’s accomplished a task, that frankly, we thought no human capable of. He’s read the whole bill (well at least he’s read it as far as page four million and seventy) and has discovered our little ruse. You two may have won this round but we’ll be back, you can count on it….zzyzx, Commander in Chief, Army of Faceless Bureaucrats, Washington DC.

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