Janeane Garofalo Explains All the Racists on MSNBC

(hat tip Hot Air)


  1. This is great for people who are politically aware. However, I was going to link to it from Facebook until I realized most of my friends would assume all the MSNBC hosts were actually Fox news hosts since this fits their view of Fox.

    The videos of the hosts needed to have the CNN or MSNBC logo on most shots otherwise its lost on anyone who doesn’t already know.

  2. Here’s my beef about Janeane (among other beefs, that is): Jan’s got that liberal, “a woman can’t be taken seriously if she’s attractive” syndrome. She feels the need to make herself unattractive so that we’ll all see what a shining genius she is.

    On a slightly related note, for a time my commute took me through Cambridge, MA, and I noticed a progression that happened each year. In the Fall, I’d see the freshman girls decked out as one might expect. By the springtime, they had been assimilated by the Borg. No more attractive young women and certainly a dearth of makeup. In fact, I pondered on whether they got their fashions, and especially their shoes from some special mail order operation. Call me weird, and that you may, but they didn’t look any smarter to me.

  3. No, KnitterChick, your reaction is healthy and normal.

    The people crying racism have reduced ‘racism’ to “heads I win, tails you lose” whether you’re black or white and you don’t like Obama, since he is half of each. How c o n v e n i e n t.

  4. Do you know a friend of mine informed me that the half black/half white argument is “idiocy”. His exact words. I wanted to smack my head against something when I heard that. Then I realized that it would be more productive to smack his head against something in the hopes of knocking some sense into him.

    In any case, we need to consider the source on this clip. It says DallasTeaParty at the end, and as we all know: tea party types are racist. All of them. Why? Because of our limbic brains… or something.

  5. Burma, you’ve struck on something I’ve never thought of, and now I wonder why I never thought of it. Rush also spoke about something similar the other day. So many “progressives” – especially radical feminists – are full of hate, so, of course, why would they want a pretty lady to be happy with herself.

    Yet another reason behind my opinion that birds, in a few regards, have it made compared to us humans. No one ever yells at the mockingbird for singing “too much”.

  6. If there’s anything worse than Rosie O’Donut, it’s a Rosie-freakin-Wannaba. Geez. Well, go for it, I say. Pack on another 100 pounds, have your smile muscles surgically removed and become a bona-fide man hater.

    You know you want it and you deserve it, Garofalo.

  7. *spoiler alert:
    I also picked what I thought was a handbook on how to deal with my local mockingbird problem. None of the techniques offered much help outside of yelling BOO! BOO! RADLEY! That would cause them to leave for a few minutes but then they would return. My solution for these types of problem is now a simple.

    1. Buy Gun
    2. Point Gun
    3. Shoot

    Also I may try that on the mockingbird problem. Exit question: What percent of leftist youth would fail to see understand this to be humor?

  8. When I was searching for colleges my high school college counselor asked whether climate was a factor in where I wanted to go to college. I, of course, responded with “…if by that you mean political climate, then yes.”

    You want to come see some real conservative girls? Come drive by Salisbury University. My college counselor and I made the right choice.

  9. #7 – Shiggz,
    Great article. Thanks for the link.
    When our troops entered Iraq in operation “I-Have had-Enough-of You!” (Iraqi Freedom) they were issued packs of playing cards with photos of members of Iraq’s ‘ruling class’ printed on them to make sure they didn’t slip through our drag nets and escape justice.
    If someone were to design a similar deck of cards with photos of America’s ‘ruling class’ printed on them (you might need more than 52 cards) I’d buy a few. (just in case).
    Or maybe Pokemon cards.

  10. Just the thought makes me giddy!

    We are the idiots who keep being suckered into treating this as battle between the majority Shiites and the ruling minority Sunnis. But our major battle is between all of us against the “Bathists.” and their international friends Al Qaeda (and their local enablers) How many liberals have sold out their blue collar or black constituents to feed the international lefts dreams/nightmares of social engineering. Answer…. F@#$@N all of them.

  11. They must have classes on Shrewness. They teach these young women to become ugly, shrill hags or Shrews and then send them into the world for us to hear. I don’t listen personally, as I am a master shrew observer and when one comes along I head the other way as to not do face punchin’ which would be mandatory if I remained to listen. Something about them causes extreme violent anxiety attacks in me…

  12. @Carolyn: It’s very funny you should ask. I was also going to mention Wellesley. On occasion, I would need to make a run from Washington St. to Rt. 16 across the Wellesley campus. Never once, not once, did I spy an attractive woman.

    I’ve never been to Smith, but I imagine I don’t need to.

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