Quote of the Day

Something a friend of mine passed along to me recently:

President Obama said regarding Afghanistan, “I don’t have a crystal ball“.

I hate it when he unnecessarily uses a word like “crystal”.


  1. He doesn’t have a crystal ball.

    He “can’t dive down there and plug the hole” nor “suck it (the oil) up with a straw”.

    He can’t name a single player on his favorite team, the White Sox.

    He “cannot pass without Republican votes” immigration amnesty in spite of huge Democrat congressional majorities.

    He can’t spell Syracuse.

    He cant use “iPods and iPads, and Xboxes and PlayStations”.

    Small wonder the dems are nervous, they voted for Superman and got Clark Kent
    Jimmy Olsen.

  2. “Obama’s show of frustration about when he will end the unpopular war in Afghanistan came in his closing press conference at the G-20 summit in Toronto…”

    Since when can one side end a war…unless, of course, you surrender.

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