Random Thoughts

My favorite pollster is Pew because that’s the sound lasers make. Pew! Pew!

Sounds like if they’re going to do a movie of the Russian spy ring, it will have to be a goofball comedy to be accurate.

I thought if you looked up “dictionary” in a dictionary, it would say, “You obviously know what this word means. Stop wasting my time.”

Hearing about Al Gore and “releasing the chakra” is disturbing… unless he said it like Liam Neeson. “Release the chakra!”

Mayor Daley: “Once again, gun control measure 8,327 made things worse, but measure 8,328 should finally work!”

Why do we still have court artists? Is it really so awful to let a guy come in and snap one picture?

Saw Eclipse with SarahK. We’re now even for her carrying my child.

There were like 80 tertiary characters in Eclipse. Couldn’t they have killed off at least one to try and make some dramatic tension?

Do cats eat flowers in the wild, or is that just a domestic cat thing?

Can’t the far left leave leading this country to people who actually kinda like it?


  1. “Release the chakra, Mr Smithers!!!”

    Cat’s eat whatever they want, in the wild, and in your house…but I think they only puke it up in your house.

    Court Artists are important, if you didn’t have them drawing pictures of what is happening in the court, they might be out on the streets selling art for new government construction projects, earning millions for two bent pieces of steel called “A study in the subjective view of the world as percieved through my rectum.”

  2. Why do we still have court artists?

    All those mail order art school grads have to work somewhere.
    “Can you draw this picture of Carl the rapist? Then you may have a fulfilling career in art!”

  3. Do cats eat flowers in the wild, or is that just a domestic cat thing?

    Mythilt is right – some cats will try to eat just about anything. Many common houseplants are poisonous to cats. I’d name some but I don’t want to give MarkoMancuso any tips.

  4. Sounds like if they’re going to do a movie of the Russian spy ring, it will have to be a goofball comedy to be accurate.

    Yes, but the goofball comedy must have a sex scene for the trailer.

    Saw Eclipse with SarahK. We’re now even for her carrying my child.

    I watched the first “movie” a few days ago. Even with Rifftrax, it was nigh unbearable.

    Random thought: My fists are poisonous to cats.

    Random thought: Love is poisonous to cats.

  5. Pingback: House of Eratosthenes

  6. “Hearing about Al Gore and ‘releasing the chakra’ is disturbing… unless he said it like Liam Neeson. ‘Release the chakra!'”

    Actually, I think it’s high time they finally released Chaka. That poor little monkey dude was nothing but helpful to Marshall, Will and Holly and I don’t know why they didn’t release him years ago. Where have they been holding him?

  7. There were like 80 tertiary characters in Eclipse. Couldn’t they have killed off at least one to try and make some dramatic tension?

    Ha! Wanting them to be killed off created the tension. In fact, you’re still feeling it. While I’m at it, I still can’t get over thinking that Eclipse is a kind of gum. How often does gum get made into a movie? It must be very good gum.

    Can’t the far left leave leading this country to people who actually kinda like it?

    Leftists like to carp. America is the most evilest country on the planet. Ergo, leftists maximize their own pleasure by staying right here. Unfortunately, like cockaroaches at a picnic, they un-maximize the pleasure of everyone else.

  8. O.K. Here’s another go at my moderated comment:

    Can’t the far left leave leading this country to people who actually kinda like it?

    Leftists like to whine. America is the most evilest country on the planet. Thus, leftists maximize their own pleasure by staying right here. Unfortunately, like roaches at a picnic, they un-maximize the pleasure of everyone else.

    There were like 80 tertiary characters in Eclipse. Couldn’t they have killed off at least one to try and make some dramatic tension?</blockquote

    Ha! Wanting them to be killed off created the tension. In fact, you’re still feeling it. While I’m at it, I still can’t get over thinking that Eclipse is a kind of gum. How often does gum get made into a movie? It must be very good gum.

  9. Is Mythilt new the last few weeks or is he someone old with new name? Or maybe he has been around forever I am terribly unobservant.

    Thought I would mention, when I saw the cat point I made sure to check the comments curious to see what DamnCat had to say.

    I have lived in Chicago let me tell you there is a lot of good ordinary working for peanuts people ground up in the inherent dysfunction political machine. I am glad leftists can see that Miltiaries can once they grow large and removed enough from a population become an amoral machine of destruction. Why can they not see government becomes the same thing? NM I know the answer they are blinded by their emotions of hate for us and feel helpless so they run behind the monster they are constantly told they can trust.

  10. I wish I knew what the stop words are here. In order to make the above acceptable, I removed the words c*rp, erg0 and c*ck*r**ches. I think it was erg0, but I’m going to refrain from spelling c*ckr**ch with an extra “a.”

  11. Forget court artists, what we need is court jesters. You know, liven up a long boring trial with their wild, whacky antics.

    If I was a court jester at Obama’s impeachment trial, I’d make fun of his big ears.

    “Barrack, is that your ears or is Dumbo The Elephant on trial here?”

  12. Court artists are leftists to stupid to run an instamatic.

    I thought cats were just a grocery item, like chicken.

    I find the left almost amusing. I love hearing screeching and gnashing when one of them explodes.

    I am twenty years or so behind in my movies, so I won’t get around to Eclipse before 2072. I heard there was one called the Godfather that is worth seeing.

    If you shave a cat, does its fur grow back faster? What if you shave MarkoMancuso?

  13. “My favorite pollster is Pew because that’s the sound lasers make. Pew! Pew!”

    Oddly enough, that’s the same sound my wife makes after I’ve had dinner.

    “Do cats eat flowers in the wild, or is that just a domestic cat thing?”

    One of our cats eats only silk flowers. Those don’t grow in the wild.

  14. Plentyobailouts says:
    If you shave a cat, does its fur grow back faster? What if you shave MarkoMancuso?

    I don’t know – but I expect anyone who tried to shave either would end up a bloody pulp. Furless cats aren’t pretty – I’m guessing a furless Marko ain’t exactly a Hawiian sunset.

  15. Why do we still have court artists? Is it really so awful to let a guy come in and snap one picture?

    It is because of the powerful court artists union lobby.

    Hearing about Al Gore and “releasing the chakra” is disturbing… unless he said it like Liam Neeson. “Release the chakra!”

    Apparently Al Gore is a Naruto fan. This explains many aspects of his bizarre behavior.

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