Random Thoughts

When can America get its next Coolidge? I guess we first have to elect the next Harding and have him die.

Democracy is ‘ight, but eventually we need a system where we don’t end up with sociopaths running everything. Or at least keep the government so small those people can only do limited damage.

The perfect president is someone with the humility to not desire to accomplish anything grand, but no one like that is going to run.

The perfect conservative would have to be dragged kicking and screaming into politics.

I want politicians who complain every day about how being stuck in office keeps them from doing anything useful.

Question for Apple: “During testing, did you ever think of having someone touch the phone?”

The goal of the Apple press conference seems to be to make people feel stupid for complaining. Might work.

So how hard is Obama going to work against a GOP takeover of Congress considering how that should help his reelection chances?

Ad: “It’s like 3 sleeping pills in one!” How about instead: “It’s like taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills at once!”

I like complaining about stuff. More people say and do stupid things so I can complain.

I should have bought an iPhone 4. I’d so be able to complain right now.

You can add “Aquaman” to anything and it becomes a punchline. That’s one of his superpowers.

President Obama e-mailing me each day to assure me he’s not plotting to kill me is starting to have the opposite effect he intends.

Last night, wife stood over me and said, “Get out!” Was talking to the dog, but I thought I was dreaming and tried to kick her.

I don’t believe in ghosts. But I also didn’t believe in spiders and it ends up those are real.

So far I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Inception. Guess I won’t go see it. Things I keep hearing about Inception: Formulaic, predictable, and the plot is basically a ripoff of Bad Boys 2.


  1. The best complainers on the planet are Scotsmen, Frank, not Dutch-Irishmen. Sorry.

    I sometimes complain about the old expression: “Don’t complain; don’t explain,” which I was taught as a boy. Let me explain why…

  2. The perfect president is someone with the humility to not desire to accomplish anything grand, but no one like that is going to run.

    The trouble is not getting them to run, the trouble is getting them in position to run.

    I don’t believe in ghosts. But I also didn’t believe in spiders and it ends up those are real.

    My aunt once had a house that was filled with wolf spiders. Her dogs ran throughout the house and devoured the spiders. Can they do the same for ghosts? Most likely. Another reason for the superiority of dogs.

  3. I’ve seen ghosts, spiders, and dogs. I’ve never seen a smart liberal.

    The punchline super power applies to most people in office. So do the Wonder Twin powers…. Obama and Biden…”Shape od an idiot!!!hape of a dumb@ss!!!”

    The problem with a good conserative candidate is they are too smart to run, and the job doesn’t pay enough.

  4. “When can America get its next Coolidge? I guess we first have to elect the next Harding and have him die.”

    I think Coolidge is a perfect name for a line of refrigerators and coolers.

    “The perfect president is someone with the humility to not desire to accomplish anything grand, but no one like that is going to run.”

    Arrrr! A pirate like me is the perfect President, you landlubbin’ fools. Talk Like A Pirate Day would be a national holiday, plus me and the lads will be too busy drinking rum, plundering ships on the high seas and chasing wenches to actually do anything that would hurt the nation. Anyone proposing tax increases or anything even remotely reminiscent of big government walks the plank with a First Class ticket to Davey Jones’ locker. Arrrr, again!

  5. “Last night, wife stood over me and said, “Get out!” Was talking to the dog, but I thought I was dreaming and tried to kick her.”

    Hmmm. Is it common for you to be kicking your wife in your dreams? Very interesting.

  6. President Obama e-mailing me each day to assure me he’s not plotting to kill me is starting to have the opposite effect he intend

    Does he spell your name right? I’d hate to think that Obama is one up on the brain trust of posters here.

    Ad: “It’s like 3 sleeping pills in one!” How about instead: “It’s like taking a whole bottle of sleeping pills at once!”

    On a related note — perhaps related only in my addled brain — what’s up with the warning about not operating heavy equipment after taking some such bottle of pills? Chainsaws are light equipment. Does that mean it’s O.K. to take some Lunesta and then go out and knock down a tree and trim the hedges before heading downstairs to cut plywood on the table saw? Brrzzzzzzzzh!

    The goal of the Apple press conference seems to be to make people feel stupid uncool for complaining. Might work.

    Fixed it. Part of the Apple business model, in all seriousness, involves getting customers to overlook defects by convincing them that Apple products are cool. In fairness, by comparison, Microsoft uses a strategy of convincing its customers to overlook defects by insinuating that any probs are the customer’s fault.

  7. -I wonder if leftists come here thinking the name of the website is “I – MAO”. Maybe when they type in I Mao they are looking for an apple product about Mao. That would explain why we only seem to get a certain type of troll.

    I think making signs that have to be read is very insensitive too people that cannot read. At least that is what i told the cop.

    -A lot of well meaning people thought that by electing Obama would change the state machine. Turns out he only ignited and hyper-expanded the part of state that wants to change you.

    -Why does socialism always end up killing millions of peasants who get in their way and millions more “during potato famines” which are really just potato farmers who have picked and had to ship all their food off to the capitals. It would be like if everyone in DC was fat but people in Iowa were starving from lack of corn.

    -Government is the slow death between revolutions. Regardless of a Good or bad revolution it decays and expands to consumes them all.

    -Tried watching that movie with Seth Meyers brother, Apparently wimmin want longer 4play and longer main course.. That’s burning the candle at both ends!

    *In terms of love and sex in movies which are normally at about a 6th grade level I would say this movie was about a 7th grade level.

    * As a companion piece If you want to know how to get a woman to “hook up with you.”
    Any one of these will work very well on most women. If you have more then one of these you will be flooded with available tang. (note does not work on the few good ones)

    -be attractive
    -have money
    -be a jerk
    -be famous

    For women wanting to attract men

    -have an ok body and good face
    -have a good body and ok face
    -be nice to us like our mother
    Or for some guys
    -be mean to us like our mother

  8. “Part of the Apple business model, in all seriousness, involves getting customers to overlook defects by convincing them that Apple products are cool.”

    Brilliant strategy and it works. I think my I-Pod Touch is cool.

  9. “I like complaining about stuff. More people say and do stupid things so I can complain.”

    I like complaining about stuff too. But right now I’m definitely NOT looking for more people to say and do stupid things. Since the obuma regime took office, I’ve been in sensory overload.

  10. The perfect president is someone with the humility to not desire to accomplish anything grand, but no one like that is going to run.

    The perfect conservative would have to be dragged kicking and screaming into politics.

    Yeah. Fred who?

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