Understanding the left

Anyone with any sense can see that Barack Obama is an incompetent idiot.

Of course, anyone with any sense would have known this before the election.

So, how did Obama get elected to begin with? And why do so many people, despite all the facts, still cling to him?

College football.

No, really. Think about it. Some people are fans of college football. Some go nuts about it. About their favorite team. And it’s scarily similar to the way some people are about Barack Obama.

Here in the south, college football is king. Georgia fans love UGA and hate Georgia Tech. Tech fans love the Ramblin’ Wreck and hate the Bulldogs. It’s like that in every state. Alabama vs Auburn. Florida vs FSU. Mississippi vs Mississippi State. Southern California vs UCLA. It’s like that all over, and at all levels of college football.

Then, you have interstate rivalries. Georgia and Florida fans hate each other. Ohio State and Michigan are that way, too. Texas vs Oklahoma.

Now, imagine for a minute if suddenly, say, my team, the University of Georgia, was shown to have committed every NCAA violation there is. And, the school lost accreditation. And the football team went 0-11.

Would I suddenly become a Georgia Tech fan? Or a Florida fan? Or an Auburn fan?

No, I’d still have that UGA tag on my car (or would have, if someone hadn’t broken it when they backed into my car).

Now, take the same scenario, but make the schools on the other side of the country: Washington vs Washington State. What would a Washington fan do if his school committed every NCAA violation there is, lost accreditation, and the football team went 0-11? He’d be unhappy, but he’d be a Husky fan still.

Ohio State vs Michigan. Same thing. No matter what happened, no matter what the facts show, the Buckeye fan would still be a Buckeye fan. The Wolverine fan would still be a Wolverine fan.

And that’s how Obama followers are.

Only, here’s the thing: as a football fan, I’ll joke about how college football isn’t a matter of life and death; it’s so much more important than that. I’ll joke about how the top religious groups in Georgia are, in reverse order, Methodist, Baptist, and Bulldog.

The thing is, I know it’s just a game. I know the Bulldog Nation means nothing next to the Family of God.

Obama followers? They’re a lot like college football fans. Only, the presidency is a matter of life and death. Ask any soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine.

The presidency and the direction of this country isn’t a game. Football is a game. Politics is serious business.

Obama followers have the loyalty down pat. But, it’s misplaced. They’re following a man, not a principle.

When it comes to college football, I’ll get on some other UGA fans’ nerves when I cheer for Georgia Tech against an ACC opponent. They’ll pull their hair out when I cheer for Florida in a bowl game. But, as much as I am a fan of UGA, I’ll cheer for the other teams in the state. And for the other teams in the conference.

I’m a football fan. I express it through UGA.

Politically, I’m a conservative. I express it through, well, blogging. And voting. And by political donations.

I didn’t agree with everything Ronald Reagan did (primarily, pulling out of Lebanon was a bad idea). I didn’t agree with everything George Bush did (primarily, the first bailout). But I’m not tied to an individual. I’m tied to a conservative philosophy of self-reliance and personal responsibility, backed with Christian beliefs.

Obama followers, and most on the left, blindly follow their leader, parroting what they’re told, and ignoring the facts that contradict their version of reality, as explained to them.

They’re like rabid college football fans. But it’s not a game. And they don’t understand that.

As long as we understand that about them, we’ll be able to get by.

I just hope like hell that, come November, they think it’s spring break and go on vacation overseas. And stay there.


  1. you didnt mention our own state’s rivalry… U of I vandals, and BSU Broncos… of course, the total fan base is less people than there are in most US counties…

  2. Obama got elected because more people read People magazine than the Wall Street Journal. Most newspapers idolized him as a combination of Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Gahandi and Mother Teresa. Then there are the groups who are not interested in the health of the country. Instead they are interested in “what the government can do for ME”. Politicians share part of the responsibility as well for their rabid, single minded devotion to greed and avarice. But mostly he got elected because “we the people” were so busy watching American Idol, Big Brother, Survivor, Dancing with the Stars, America’s Next Top Model and every other reality show that we weren’t paying attention to actual REALITY. I need not mention (but I will ) the impact of the advice of life guru Oprah Winfrey who knows all, sees all, hears all and has done it all. If Obama’s god then she’s gods mother.

    Just sayin’

  3. Another difference between college football fans and Obama supporters. When your team has a bad year (or years, I’m a Canes fan) we can admit our team sucks. It is still our team and we support them, but we admit when coaches or players screw up.

    Ever hear of an Obama fan be critical?

  4. Jake is on the money, but perhaps the similarity lies in the way fans of sucky teams always talk about “next year,” or “we’re almost there, if only…” Actually, this is also true of fans of some good teams. While I was living near Boston, Patriot fans always acted as if they were put upon, even when they were winning back-to-back Superbowls. I’m a Gints fan, so this only served to annoy me along with all other things wrong with Massamachusetts.

    There’s another similarity in that any team beating your own must be either cheating or using some mythical unfair advantage.

    So, if Dem’s are like football fans, Obama is the substitute pro quarterback brought in after the starter has been injured. Ever notice how a substitute pro QB can always pull off a couple of wins? That’s because pro defenses are so planned and static that it takes 3 or more games for them to adjust. Often, the substitute is back on his butt after a few games.

    On the other hand, a substitute, such as Brady (pick #199) or Romo (not drafted), can sometimes use a start to demonstrate real ability, and this, I’d compare to Palin’s start.

    I could keep going, but you’ve already moved onto the next post.

  5. I appreciate your effort Basil, but George Soros, the Rockefellers, and all of the other “world government/socialism” billionaires that found a useful idiot in Kenya, put him through expensive schools he could never get into or afford, then shoved him through the democrat ranks starting with making speeches at a democrat convention before he was even elected aren’t actually football fans. However, whenever he tries to throw out a first pitch or do something else that’s at all “manly” he does come off like a goofy school mascot.

  6. Basil’s post, and these comments, should be read in every poltics and history class in the nation. I know people (at least I think they are people) who voted for Obama who are getting, and will be, hurt by all this foolishness. They blindly follow Teh One still. Afraid to admit failure?

  7. As a fellow Dawg fan and a conservative from a state that was once solidly in the Democratic Party’s pocket I once more say BRAVO to Basil and this post. Love the analogy, but to use another too often sheep get caught up following a sheep in wolf’s clothing and don’t realize it till its too late.

  8. Awesome post, Basil. As a rabid college football fan myself, I loved it. (University of Michigan all the way, baby! Motto: we’re gonna stop sucking this year.)

    If we could just get all those moron democrats to start putting their time and effort into something constructive like college football instead of politics, we might starts going in the right direction as a country.

    P.S. Ohio State always has, and always will, suck a big one.

  9. How can we turn them from football fans into something like, well, womens’ volleyball fans? Better chance of really good eye candy and less likelihood of affecting anything important, I feel.

  10. All other teams don’t matter. The Iowa Hawkeyes are the National Champs this year. We can either just give it to them now or play the games and let them destroy all the teams they play… I’d personally like to see them kick Ohio State’s ass in Kinnick Stadium this year so I say play the games!

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