What Should Republicans Do If They Take Back Congress?

Obama is doing so awful as president that it’s pretty likely that the Republicans will reclaim the House and they might even take the Senate. So what should the Republicans do if that happens considering Obama will still be president? Here is my advice as a smart blogger guy on the internets.

* Party. If Republicans take back Congress, they should throw an awesome party to celebrate. This will help get people excited and let them know things are about to turn around. Plus, balloon animals!

* Don’t let Obama do anything. Obama doing stuff is what made the American people so angry, so it logically follows that keeping him from doing anything will make everyone happy. Obama will be like, “I want to socialize more stuff.” And Republicans should say, “No! Go play with this bucket.”

* Reduce the government. The government is too big, so make it smaller. Obama might not go along with this, though, so instead of using the legislative process, just sneak out in the middle of the night and steal some government and then bury it in the ground so no one can find it.

* Cut taxes. Again this will be hard without Obama’s support, but the Republicans can descend on the IRS with a bunch of switchblades and get a similar result.

* Repeal Obamacare. Once again, probably can’t do this the normally way without Obama’s vote, but if the Republicans get together and burn every physical copy and delete every soft copy of the Obamacare bill, that will effectively be a repeal since no one will know what the law was to follow it. It was thousands of pages no one read; it will be gone forever.

* Replace Obama with a robot who will do whatever Republicans say. This sounds hard, but it isn’t. First, build a robot that is identical to Obama. Then, declare robot twins to be illegal. Next, claim that the real Obama is really the robot twin so he gets carted off to robot prison where he’ll never be seen again as he’ll have to wear an iron mask which is the type of masks robots like to wear.


  1. Just in case you never saw these:

    Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

    Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown

    But hey, most people who voted for Obama did not know the democrats won control of the house and senate in 2006, so I dont know what I am expecting.

  2. “Proud Infidel, I often refer to the hippie punching holiday as “Any odd day of the week”.”

    I agree. But it would be nice to see hippie punchers celebrated for their valuable service the way they deserve. Hippie Punching Day should be a day of celebration, and there can be workshops on how to punch multiple hippies, recognize prolific hippie punchers past, have contests on knocking out hippies with a single punch, hippie drop kicking demonstrations, etc. It could be a fun filled and educational holiday. Plus, we all get a day off work to punch hippies! For the life of me, I can’t see a down side here.

  3. * Defund the Healthcare Stuff until Obama is kicked out of office , then repeal it.

    * Impeach Obama. And Biden. With the last 18 months should be easy to do.

    * Creata Dept. of Missle Launching Dinosaurs.

    *Create Dept. of Face Punching Robo Bigfoots. Worked for the Six Million Dollar Man. The Face Punching Robo Bigfoots can ride the Missle Lauching Dinosaurs.

  4. They should pass a law requiring people to show a birth certificate before boarding air force one.

    They could trick Obama into signing it by naming it “the bucket safety act”.

    They could also pass a law declaring that the day Obama signed Obama Care was backwards day.

    They should also hunt down and destroy Sky-net. Quietly before Michele catches on.

    A law holding each president personally liable for the deficit incurred on his watch would be nice, and more effective than a balanced budget amendment.

    So on even days I guess we could punch hippies left handed?

  5. Joe Biden said something about how people will be shocked by how well democrats do in the mid-terms. I have been following politics to know this translates/means….

    “They have Ace up their sleeve”

    We need to be extra vigilant and careful in the next few months. Joe Biden is just too stupid not mention it before hand like a really bad audience guest a magic show who cant keep silent when he sees a rabbit sticking out from under the table before the trick happens. My guess is something related to Amnesty right during the last 2-4 weeks before voter registration closes. Does anyone here believe the left would not try to spark a race conflict to hold their majorities?

    Please take me seriously on this!

  6. @shiggz – I agree with you, they are up to something. The only thing they can do is saturate the vote with new voters. Other than that, they may just declare some kind of emergency, and close the polls for a certain period of time to stay in power longer. I think we will see some type of desperate action.

  7. I was trying to think of something funny to say, but shiggz @10 must be reading the same news/blogs I’m reading. I’m seeing predictions of big city race riots timed so they can postpone/cancel the November elections. “Never let a crisis go to waste?”

    Sorry it’s not funny.

  8. Freeze the budget at 2006 levels, automatically defunding every new spending item passed since then.
    Make Bush tax cuts permanent, then sit back and wait for the economy to come back on its own.
    Take all the mortgages held by Freddie Mac and Fanny May and sell them on E-bay (starting bid – 1 dollar each); then shut them down.
    Then do what Proud Infidel said, Defund, Repeal, Investigate, Impeach.

  9. shiggz is correct we need to be extra vigilant this November. The Democrats are masters of voter fraud and the current Chicago style administration comes from, well, Chicago, ’nuff said. The Justice Department has show they won’t prosecute the New Black Panther party for voter intimidation, so I espect a lot more of that kind of activity. The thugs will do anything to keep their power.

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