Book Review: Do Unto Others

Michael Z. Williamson’s new novel Do Unto Others is out in hardcover. I got an advanced digital copy (because I’m important), and read it on my iPad which was like being in the future reading a book about the future.

It’s a sequel to Better to Beg Forgiveness involving the same Ripple Creek contractors (mercenary bodyguards) but this time guarding the daughter of a family that’s light years richer than anyone out there from their advanced mining operations in space (I’d guess they’re analogous to the Rockefeller — I don’t really know my rich people history). Eventually, there’s a huge confrontation in the mining colony with a basically an all out war over control of more money than most countries have — fun stuff. It was a enjoyable read with a bit philosophy on the responsibility of controlling that much money. Plus, there’s a nuke. Definitely pick it up if you enjoyed Better to Beg Forgiveness (which I did).

And when do we get to space mining in reality? It’s about time space did something useful.

Tax to Prosperity!

According to this Rasmussen poll, 19% think tax increases help the economy. How exactly do they think that works? People go, “Yay! The rich are being taxed!” and work harder?

Here’s my economic recovery plan: Tell those people there are free lottery tickets in Canada, and when they head to Canada to get them, lock the door behind them.

The Chevy Volt: The Car You’d Expect from the Government

So the Chevy Volt is out, and it’s $41,000. That’s a little more than a thousand per mile it can go on one charge. So who would pay $41,000 to go forty miles? Maybe someone who is rich and stupid. Like a lottery winner. Or a famous actor.

Oh and you.

Yes, you get to pay for it to because your tax money is going to be $7500 to anyone who wants to buy one. I don’t know why the government is now giving tax incentives for stupidity, but maybe that’s some new Obama policy. Like you’ll get $300 to tease a badger. And a $1000 to get a bucket stuck on your head.

Anyway, the Chevy Volt is going to have a lot of obstacles to overcome since it’s extremely expensive, no rational person would want one, and scientists say its turns you gay, but with the full force of the Obama government behind it (which I call the Obament) we all might have to get one. Once the government takeover of health care is completely, owning a Chevy Volt might be a requirement to getting a kidney transplant. And Obamacare is probably counting on a lot of people rather dying than drive a Chevy Volt to keep itself solvent.

But don’t worry; driving a Chevy Volt helps the environment. Yes, pollution is still made at the power plant that makes the electricity you charge the car with, but apparently it really lifts the spirit of the environment seeing all us humans suffer by driving stupid cars. The environment hates us. And I hate it. But I guess we have to get along. Still, I’m not stepping inside one of those.

The Solution to Racism

In my new Pajamas Media column, I solve the problem of racism once and for all. The world is lucky I’m a super, extra, double genius.

Random Thoughts

Possible Democrat slogan for 2010: “You have yet to know true suffering.”

So is the next step for Weiner to start threatening to put people through plate glass windows?

All this talk about Tea Party anger and the real threat was Weiner rage!

With Spencer Ackerman and Anthony Weiner, could we be facing an epidemic of wiener rage?

Do you think I can teach my dog irony?

I’m pretty sure the cats are nothing but irony.

To Boldly Go Where No One Ever Should!

Based on the works of Cloward and Piven.

Coming in 2011, the sequel we’ve all been waiting for…

Charred Wreck – The Search for Sanity!

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!