I Don’t Want My Tax Dollars Going Towards Giving Monkeys Coke

If you’re wanting to know where that stimulus money is going, part of it is going to give cocaine to monkeys. So why is our hard earned money going to give cocaine to monkeys when there are so many people unemployed right now who couldn’t even dream of affording cocaine for themselves? Probably because there’s some other stimulus program to give cocaine to Congress. Or they just always take cocaine. Or they’re useless morons who take no thought to wastefully spending our money.

How does one even start a program like that? “I want to give cocaine to monkeys. Give me money so it can be all scientific and junk.” I hope a lot of that money goes to security, because the last think we need in this economy are coked-up monkeys running around the neighborhood who want nothing more than murder and bananas. I swear; the Obama administration won’t rest until we’re a third-world nation.

No Better Conservatism Than Now (Except for That in the Future)

Jonah Goldberg has a good column on how nostalgia for past conservatism is misplaced. First of all, the ones whining about how conservatism was so much greater way back when tend to be weenies. Conservatives get stuff done; they don’t stand around whining about how everyone isn’t perfect. Plus whining is a liberal instinct; if your instinct is to whine, maybe you’re not the conservative you think you are.

Also, the complaining about current conservatism and talking about how better conservatives were in the past seems like the sort of thing that’s just going to go on forever. Like in the future, they’ll be those talking about how much greater conservatism was back now dealing with the collapse of a liberal administration and having the momentum of the Tea Parties. And if we were able to see those people now, we’d be like, “Are you crazy? Your conservatism is so much better with you because you have lasers and jetpacks!” And future conservatives will probably yearn for the days when conservatism had motivated go-getters like Andrew Breitbart — even though they have Cyborg-Reagan who has a railgun for his left arm. Get some perspective, people!

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

Today is Barack Obama’s birthday. At least that’s what people are saying. Without a birth certificate, it’s hard to know for sure. I blame the poor state of health care in Kenya in 1961.

Anyway, since he’s up and walking around, we’ll assume he does have a birthday, okay? I don’t think he’s a robot. Or a space alien. Although either of those would explain a lot.

No, I think he’s a human. Or close enough, anyway. And, sure, I’ll go along with today being his birthday.

Which means … PARTY! Because everyone from Georgia is all about the party, right?

So, how do we celebrate Barack Obama’s birthday?

I have some ideas:

  • Find an Arab king and bow to him.
  • Go on vacation. But not to the Gulf.
  • Blame Bush for any gray hairs I find.
  • Spend a trillion dollars. After all, it’s also Wednesday!
  • Order the most expensive item on the menu, then, if they bring me a bill, tell the waitress she’s racist.
  • If she’s White, tell her she’s racist anyway.
  • Call Larry Sinclair, just for old time’s sake.
  • Tax the rich.
  • Tax the poor.
  • Blame Bush for taxes going up.
  • Tell everyone on teh Twitters how awesome I am.

Those are my ideas. You have any suggestions?

Why We Need to Keep Birthright Citizenship

I think the whole idea to end birthright citizenship is wrongheaded. Basically, I think we’re missing the point of that law. If people are here who are citizens and give birth, that baby is a citizen but the parents aren’t. So what does that mean? That means the government can keep that baby and kick the parents out of the country. And what can the government do with a baby? Raise him to be a super soldier, and we all know that training a super soldier has to start right after birth. So that probably was the whole point of birthright citizenship: To get recruits for our super soldier program. So it’s time we start using that law for its original intention.

Hopefully the parents will be proud to know their children will be trained to fight America’s future threats like robots and Ape Law, but if they don’t understand we can explain it to them by saying something like, “Shut up, foreigner!” We’ll probably have to say it in their foreign language or they won’t understand. Foreigners are wily that way.

Random Thoughts

I think a good way for Muslims to improve their image would be to use “Muslim” as an all purpose word the same way Smurfs use “Smurf”.

The Chevy Volt can go pretty fast and quite a long distance if you use a good tow truck.

The world will have full religious tolerance when I can open my bacon-themed amusement park in Saudi Arabia.

So does a dog understand it’s going somewhere in a car or does it think we just live a while in a tiny house and then the world changes?

FOX’s first question for Gibbs from the front row: “How’d you like me to bust your head with a pipe, fatty?”

Anyone else see the irony in shunning all Christians because you think they’re too judgmental?

I hate anyone who doesn’t hate haters.

A baby born in the US gets to be a US citizen. If the parents aren’t citizens, the government gets the baby to raise as a super soldier.

I have a great line for when SarahK is ready to give birth: “Let’s make this INfant an OUTfant!”

Saw a bumper sticker: “I’m a liberal; and it’s OK if you’re not.” Kinda like that.