Batman: The Ultimate Plan

I don’t understand it, Commissioner. Four super villans who spent the last five years in solitary confinement have escaped, and we have no idea what their plan is?

That is what is so confounding about this, Batman. One day, they were all safely locked away. The next, poof! They’re gone and we don’t know why!

With all four on the loose, the whole world is in danger.

That’s what worries me, Chum: the unknown. Rarely does the unknown turn out well.

Meanwhile, at the villans’ secret underground headquarters…
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Frank Responds to Spam Comments

It has been determined by the Great Landlord that I respond to more spam comments. BTW, I’ve realized that some of you are confused what these are. These comments are posted to my blog by some bot and include a link to some website for cheap Viagra or something. Their goal is to look like a normal comment so I don’t delete them.

They are not very good at looking like normal comments.

So without further ado (as we’ve all add more than enough ado this week):

Please tell me it worked right? I dont want to sumit it again if i do not have to! Either the blog glitced out or i am an idiot, the second option doesnt surprise me lol. thanks for a great blog!

I don’t know if it worked. I don’t know how any of this blog stuff works. Just his “sumit” twenty times like everyone else and pray for the best.

At Chuck E Cheese every game costs one token aside from the automobile that takes photos of your youngsters when they ride it. This 1 takes a pair of tokens. They have a basketball game. You get tickets depending on how several baskets you make. They need the mole hitting game. additionally you receive tickets primarily based on how smart you do.

When I went to Chuck E Cheese, they immediately see how smart I was and hand me a big roll of tickets. I think the person who got the most tickets at Chuck E Cheese, though, was Einstein. He got enough tickets to actually get the shotgun from the prize booth. But then he went on a killing spree. They don’t offer a shotgun as a prize anymore. Probably because of the government.

I’m too try not to laugh at kos kid because I would not be where they are now …

[Ed. Note: Yes, this is really a spam comment.]

I’m pretty sure the Great Landlord made the Kos Kids just for us to laugh at. But I do not envy where they are now: The Phantom Zone! That’s what they get for trusting General Zod.

Hello, do you know where I should r arr a rrr pirrrraats


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Good. Subscribe to my RSS feed, because then you can get good notification telling you, “Time for examination of posts!” Everyone loves post examination time; it is best part of day.

Wonderful posting, I share the same views. I wonder why this society does not believe just like myself and additionally the site owner 😀

That’s because some people are stupid and additionally Communists. I’m going to start a revolution for changing of society’s view. It’s next Tuesday. There will also be a potluck.

Becoming a certified laser hair removal professional requires proper training. Joining in the right laser hair removal school can help get you started on the correct path towards a career in this increasingly popular field. Has laser hair removal ever gone wrong for you? What do you think is the biggest danger?

The biggest danger? I’m going to guess that’s the lasers. Unless you’re getting laser hair removal in China; then the biggest danger is panda bears.

I’m Sorry You Made Us Bomb You

So the State Department has said they won’t apologize for bombing Hiroshima. That’s good, because I’m pretty sure we didn’t do it by accident. If we did do it by accident, I’d be okay with an apology.

“Hey, Japan we’re all like sorry for hitting you with an atomic bomb. It was meant for Mongolia, but we totally got our wires crossed and got you guys instead. Sorry dudes. Here’s a coupon for free cheesy sticks with your next order of pizza.”

Also, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the State Department who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. At least, I don’t think it was. Do we give them atomic weapons? Because if we do, I should probably reevaluate how I’m always pointing and laughing at them.

It would be kinda funny, though, if we went to Hiroshima and apologized for bombing Nagasaki.

“Sixty-five years ago we dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I would like to apologize for bombing Nagasaki. That was wrong. They weren’t a bunch of jerks like Hiroshima; it was out of line.”

I hope Japan has learned the appropriate lessons from being atomic bombed, though, which is: Be sweet. If you’re nice and sweet to everyone, you don’t get atomic bombed. But if you’re mean, then boom! So be sweet.

Good lesson for all countries.

“Welcome to the Recovery!”

So, we lost 131,000 more jobs last month, and June numbers were revised to show another 100,000 jobs lost. But Timothy Geithner says we’re in a recovery and we should be thankful for how smart Obama is. I’m starting to think that maybe Obama’s people are about as good on economics as they are at using Turbo Tax. We’ve reached the point where it would have been better if we just elected a mangy old dog president, because if the president had just sat in the Oval Office licking himself all this time we probably would have recovered by now. Plus the dog wouldn’t have made up figures about imaginary jobs that were “saved and created.” Instead we had Obama licking himself while passing giant, meddlesome new programs. And now he’s threatening to raise taxes on the rich — the job creators. Electing Obama was a dumb thing. We should definitely teach our children not to do something like that again. Of course, some of our parents taught us not to elect someone like Carter again, and I guess that didn’t take.

Anyway, now is the time to forge a Kenyan birth certificate and get Obama thrown out of office. Doesn’t have to be too believable, as at this point most people will be willing to pretend to think it’s real.

Random Thoughts

I still don’t think people’s approval rating of Congress is quite low enough.

I want a “We Win!” newspaper like the guy from the opening of Cheers has.

Weird. All my Twitter follow recommends are for radical black separatists.

BTW, I’m running for president of Haiti. Anyone know what language they speak there?