Time to Silence Silent Letters — Permanently

I’m just sick and tired of silent letters. Ever wonder who put them there and why? Since the whole point of a letter is to represent a sound, if a letter is silent it’s kinda completely pointless, isn’t it? Basically, if a letter is silent, that just means there was no reason to put it there in the first place. Would you pronounce “sience” any different from “science”. So are the silent letters just there for decoration?

“I like ‘nat’ okay and certainly makes it clear how to pronounce it, but it’s just missing something. Don’t you think it would look better if we threw a ‘g’ in front of it for no reason?”

Who are the people who came up with these spellings and what was their problem? Why didn’t someone stop them? I guess there were less literate people back them so you had this elite just going crazy coming up with words and probably constantly smoking opium or something.

The absolute worst offender is the French sound “eaux”. To make an ‘o’ sound, they take almost every single vowel other than ‘o’ and then throw in an ‘x’ for some reason. Why? What would possess someone to do such a thing? It’s like we put sociopaths in charge of coming up with how to spell our words.

I’m not saying we should change all our spellings, but we should at least vow that if we make a time machine we’ll go back and make the people responsible pay. People use these words for important things like business and talking; this isn’t petty vandalism.

It’s Similar to Something You Would Eat

Had this yesterday:

Never had creamy candy before — and certainly not milk chocolate flavored creamy candy. It looked like a chocolate bar and tasted like the cheap chocolate (or, perhaps, cheap “creamy candy”) an Easter bunny is made from. Still, this made me wonder if I could come up with a better name for it. Here are my ideas:

* Bar-Form Chocolate Substitute

* Sweet Food-Like Substance

* Simulated Chocolate Snack

* Can’t Legally Call It Chocolate

* Consumable Chocolate-Like Rectangle

* Dark Colored Sugar Containing Treat

* Chocolate Simulacrum

* Soylent Brown

Mecca Time

Saudi Arabia has made the world’s largest clock in Mecca. The only thing is we kinda stopped the largest clock competition about a hundred years ago and moved on to other things like space travel. If Saudi Arabia landed on Mars, that would be impressive, but as it stands making the world’s largest clock is a bit like making an impressive finger painting. We can pat Saudi Arabia on the head and tell them what a smart boy they are, but we’d just be patronizing them.

Apparently the Middle East was really advanced like a thousands years ago, but it doesn’t seem like they’ve really done much since then. Best they can do these days is ape Western culture using their oil money, but they don’t seem to contribute anything useful to the world. Then again, it seems like the West has slowed in advancing. What impressive thing have we done lately other than come up with better iPhones? We once went to the moon, but I’m not even sure we could do that again today because it would violate too many OSHA regulations. Maybe if we slow down enough, eventually the Middle East will catch up with us. They already have a really big clock.

Random Thoughts

I don’t know how anyone of any race could vote for the pompous, arrogant failure that is Harry Reid.

When did air travel change from amazing human feat to annoying hassle?

There’s pretty much nothing so amazing it doesn’t become mundane within a few years. I believe a posse of insane clowns had commentary on a similar subject.

I bet somehow that whole Jet Blue incident is going to be marked as a job created or saved by Obama.

Wife asked if I wanted breakfast for dinner. I was confused, because I thought that meant she wasn’t going to feed me.