
We say IMAO is a PG-13 site in that we’ll allow some bawdy language but we’d rather you not go crazy with it. Also, young children really shouldn’t be reading about politics without parental supervision. Interestingly, though, I saw this post of listed reasons for an MPAA rating. Apparently you can get a PG-13 rating for “non-stop ninja action”.

So that’s why IMAO is a PG-13 site: Non-stop ninja action.

Liberals Can’t Help Themselves

Things are looking pretty desperate for Democrats and liberals. And when things get desperate for liberals, they tend not to rise to the occasion but instead fall back on their defaults which is impotent screaming and sneering which of course only repels people all the more. Much of politics for liberals is learning to hold back these natural impulses. That’s how Obama got elected; people were tired of the divide during Bush and thought he’d be a nice person to elect. Still, even with all the care, Obama’s mask slipped a couple of times such as the “bitter clinging” speech to donors. And now we’re all pretty clear Obama holds most of America in sneering contempt despite — like many liberals — never having actually done anything useful his entire life.

So, anyway, though some of the more mature politically minded will try to stop it, except the wheels to really start coming off the bus as we get even closer to election day. In anger and frustration, the liberals will be reduced to incoherent shrieking only making everyone get even more fed up with them and glad to be rid of them politically. So while polls look good for Republicans now, I predict it’s only going to get better from here on out.

A Country Divided

Patterico was asking about the idea of just finally giving up and dividing the country in two. I think we shouldn’t end up as two countries, but instead should just make two distinct states: Free America and Sissy America. We’ll still be one country for matters of defense, but for all domestic issues would be entirely separate. In Free America, there would be minimal laws and it would be made very hard to pass any new regulations and new government programs. In Sissy America, they could regulate everything and make new programs and taxes all the time — but it all has to be funded only from citizens living in Sissy America. And it would be easy to move between the two. Like you could start out in Sissy America but decide you want to give freedom a try and go to Free America. Or you could find freedom too scary and move to Sissy America.

I think it’s a great idea that will make everyone happy as they can all have the America they want. We don’t have to call it “Free America” and “Sissy America” and can instead call is something that will appeal to liberals like “Dum Stoopids America” and “Me Am Smart America”. I don’t care what it’s called as long as I have some place liberals can’t bother me anymore.

Random Thoughts

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to teach only some kids reading and math and the rest how to carry heavy things?

Got an email from Paul Begala: Donate at least $5 to the DSCC, and be entered to win an iPad. There are probably less costly ways of getting an iPad than getting Democrats elected.

Seems disingenuous to complain about Obama going on vacations. It’s not like there’s anything useful I’d expect him to do instead.

The favorite tactic of the closed minded these days is to call people bigots.

“Duh! I’m a baker! I don’t know how many are in a dozen! Duh!”

A “Frank’s dozen” is five, and you should feel lucky you got that many.