Question of the Day

So the fringe left is pretty big on building the mosque at Ground Zero, which is weird because I can’t remember the last time they got worked up in support of anything religious. So do you think this is really about religious tolerance and their hope that all religions can live in peace, or is this that they knew what the general reaction would be to the Ground Zero mosque (because it was their reaction too), so they took the opposite so they could lecture everybody? I’m pretty sure about everything the left does is out of want to stand over people and lecture. Useless people like to lecture.

What Patriotism Means to Me

So I guess it’s unpatriotic to make fun of the overpriced lemon that is the Chevy Volt, according to Governor Granholm. The left does seem to question people’s patriotism about really stupid things (if you don’t like paying taxes, you’re unpatriotic!), but I guess that’s just because they don’t understand it. Among themselves, they use patriotism as an insult. “You think the U.S. is better than all other countries? How uncouth!” Newsweek ($6 an issue, $1 a company) recently ranked countries and put the U.S. as 11th, because sophisticated liberals are supposed to know that there are lots of better countries than the U.S. That’s why Obama bragged about not wearing a flag pin. Really, all they know about patriotism is that the red state rubes find patriotism important, so they ineptly try to use that against them.

To help liberals understand, maybe we can all describe what patriotism means to us. I’ll start out:


…love of freedom.

…rugged individualism.

…tapping the best in human potential.

…gun; lots of guns.

…putting a hippie through a plate glass window (rhetorically).

…putting a hippie through a plate glass window (literally).

…cool explosions.

…finally getting dictators what’s coming to them.

…not being European.


So what does patriotism mean to you?

Will a Republican Congress Help Obama?

Republicans are now polling their highest in history on the generic ballot. It is kinda getting to be a perfect storm with the economy and Obama’s utter incompetence and the Democrats arrogance and taking the hugely unpopular sides on pretty much every single issue out there. The only way things could be better for Republicans is if they were marginally competent and had some charismatic figure for everyone to rally behind like Mr. T.

But how good is winning huge in this environment? Have you looked at the country lately; it’s going to be a lot of work just to get from super-crappy to somewhat crappy. And it’s not like Obama is going to be any help; he’s going to be all angry and refuse to sign any bills the Republicans pass. Still, maybe this will help Obama be a better president, as from his observed ability, the best president Obama is capable of being is one who does nothing since he pretty much just screws up anything he touches. Maybe when he can’t get all his left-wing agenda bills past the Republican congress, he’ll just give up and play golf for his last two years. His approval rating will probably skyrocket. And then in the 2012 election, everyone will be like, “Do we want a new president who might do something — ’cause last time a president tried to do something, that turned out horribly — or do we want a president who we know does nothing?” An Obama who does nothing but golf; not quite Coolidge, but pretty close. I might vote for that.

Random Thoughts

I’d prefer Muslims who are unable denounce terrorism without qualifications not build a mosque anywhere in America.

I guess it’s your right to argue that terrorism is sometimes justified, but I’d rather you stand in Canada while doing that.

Muslims killed 3,000 people in a terrorist attack, so I don’t know why we should deal with any Muslim being mealy-mouthed on the issue. Is that like too logical a stance or something?

The response I’ve heard from the left is “But there are strip clubs near ground zero!” Are they even on this planet?

If one of these days people finally let Obama be clear, watch out.

I will buy an electric car if it also flies.

So is expressing displeasure with what Fred Phelps and family does is now hating the First Amendment?

I think the important thing about the Ground Zero mosque is that we all learn an important lesson about something or other.

Harry Reid is against the mosque? Then I’m for it now. Mosque! Mosque! Make it 20 stories!

When was the last time the left was this deadset on a religious building being built?

With the left fighting this hard for a mosque, you’d think they do abortions there or something.

Maybe it would help fight racism if there was a mascot like Smokey the Bear, something like “Edgar the Don’t Be Racist Badger”.

Suggested concession speech for Harry Reid: “And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those meddling kids!”