Microsoft hates America!

The other day, I ran into a situation with a date field on a Website. Someone who I was telling about the issue (it involved ColdFusion and a valid time value) was inspired to research valid date-time fields in databases. And, as it turns out, Microsoft SQL Server has date limitations.

For instance, you can’t store a date prior to January 1, 1753 in a Microsoft SQL database.
You may ask, why would I want to store a date prior to January 1, 1753 in a database? Well, if your database is on American history, or about great Americans, then you just might need that.

George Washington’s birthday was February 22, 1732 (or, February 11, 1731 O.S.) — which means you can’t store George Washington’s birthday in a Microsoft database!

The Father of our Country! First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen! Our nation’s first president under the Constitution! Microsoft won’t let you store his birthday in their databases? That’s outrageous!

Why does Microsoft hate America?

Run Away!

Official memo out to Democrats on Obamacare: Run Away!

You know that super awesome health care bill they they forced on us and told us we’d love it? They’ll now promise to improve it so it doesn’t suck so much. And also they’re going to stop claiming it will reduce the deficit because no one, not a single person, was dumb enough to believe that. In fact, as soon as any Democrat claimed it would reduce the deficit, no one would believe anything else coming out of that guy’s lying, fat face.

Not in my wildest dreams, did I imagine this level of suckitude from the Democrats. I thought maybe they learned from the Clinton presidency to have some minor level of competence and not complete and utter disdain for Americans, but these are not very smart people. They’re not like my dog who eventually figures things out and behaves; they’re like my cats: incurable sociopaths who claw me and demand things. Probably not who we want in charge of our health care if we all like the not dying.

Suggested Car Metaphors for Republicans

Obama sure loves his car metaphor. He keeps going on about how Republicans drove the car into the ditch, and now he’s gotten it out (skyrocketing unemployment is somehow “getting it out of the ditch” in this metaphor), and now you have to choose ‘D’ to go forward and don’t want to choose ‘R’ and go backwards… back to a time, you know, when 6% unemployment was high.

It’s pretty idiotic this is the metaphor Obama is clinging to, but maybe Republicans can expand off of it into some car metaphors of their own.


“Now it’s time to hope it’s a bond car and there is an ejector seat button.”

“We kept telling Obama to pay attention to the road to keep an eye out for jobs, but he was too busy texting about health care.”

“Take the keys away from him! He’s drunk on socialism!”

“So the car is in a ditch and he wants to drive it forward. Do we have any proof this guy even passed the written test before he got behind the wheel? Release his records!”

“The car is stuck in a ditch, and his solution is to give it an oil change.”

“I thought he said he was going to call a tow truck! Why is he at the golf course?

“Wait a second; he’s driving us to Canada! We told him we didn’t want to go there!”

“While that weenie Obama is spinning his wheels in the mud, our plan is to transform the car into an awesome giant robot and have it kill Decepticons.”

Frank Responds to Spam Comments

It has been determined by the Great Landlord that it is once again it’s time to look through and respond to some of the comments left in WordPress spam bin.

Whats happening, I discovered this site by mistake when I was going via Bing following that I arrived to your website. I need to say your internet site is interesting I truly like your theme! Today I don’t have the free of charge time at the existing moment to fully appear through your sitebut I’ve bookmarked it. I is going to be back in a day or 2 . Many thanks for a good website.

What you talkin’ about, Willis, thank you for coming to my internet site and giving me your writing comment. I know we all have little free of charge time, so I appreciate its being spent at IMAO blog. I am glad you like theme; I call it “black plus red.”

I’d have to agree with your post. Which is not something I usually do! I love reading a post that will make one think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!

Thank you, usually disagreeing person. That must have been different for you going through internet saying, “I disagree! I disagree! I disagree! I… wait, this is unusual, but I agree! Ah! It’s making me think! Brain hurts!”

tebak apa yang Anda punya cewL panas webpage . Terima kasih setiap orang tentang Anda . !

Nee Jabba no badda.

Kudos for posting such a useful blog. Your weblog is not only informative and also extremely artistic too. There normally are very few individuals who can write not so simple articles that creatively. Keep up the good work !!

Thank you. I work hard on blog. First though, I only make blog useful. People say, “IMAO sure is useful, but it is not creatively.” So I add the artistic. It is very subtle, and many don’t see it. To many, they just see white rectangles on a black background, but that in itself is a commentary on society. Especially since the rectangles contain text about how stupid Obama is.

Decent post

Somehow, I don’t think you’re sincere.

YES! I finally found this web site! I’ve been looking just for this article for such a long time!!

Now there’s a real compliment. Kinda weird someone was actually expecting and looking for one of my posts, though. “I really need a post on the military benefits of dinosaurs with rocket launchers! I need it! Where is it!?”

That’s a fascinated post!

Thank you for warning me that one of my posts has turned sentient. I will destroy it with fire.

Random Thoughts

How do you think Cliff Clavin would cope these days when anyone can pull out an iPhone with Google?

This Obama Muslim stuff is nonsense. No one has seen him pray towards Mecca more than three times in a day.

I don’t know why Obama didn’t put the Muslim rumors to rest by publicly eating handfuls of bacon like I do everyday.

Friedberg and Seltzer haven’t made a movie that’s cracked double digits on Rotten Tomatoes. How do they live with that level of suck? I guess their films like Epic Move and Meet the Spartans make money, but it’s got to hurt the self-esteem to be regarded as that unfunny.

A third of people think Obama is Muslim. Even weirder, a third still think he’s competent.