My new favorite game

I know I’m a little behind the curve, but I recently got one of those new touch devices. I got an iPad. Lots of people have had an iPhone or an iPod Touch, but this is my first device of this type. And I like it. And, I’m discovering all the different apps that are available.

Like Angry Birds.

Like I said, I’m way behind the curve on this, and I know it. But it’s a fun game.

In fact, the only game I can think of that could be more fun is one based on Angry Birds.

Here’s the premise: You and others like you are angry because a bunch of horrible creatures have taken your stuff. So, you and the others go to get your stuff back, removing the horrible creatures in the process.

Sounds a lot like Angry Birds, doesn’t it?

Only this game, anyone can play. You don’t need an iPhone, an iPod Touch, an iPad, a BlackBerry, a Droid, or anything like that.

All you need is a ballot. The game is available November 2.

Public Service Announcement

Apparently, there are some contaminated eggs out there, so if you eat a lot of eggs and feel bad, maybe don’t eat quite so many eggs. And whatever you do, don’t crack a bunch of raw eggs into a glass and then drink it like Rocky did. You could like die from that and then never get to tell Adrian how much you yo her. If you want some egg drink, put hardboiled eggs in a blender with a little milk. Not as impressive for a training montage, but much safer. Also, while this warning is ongoing, if you’re a stand up comedian try to be funnier so people won’t throw eggs at you. Again, this isn’t a problem if they use hardboiled eggs, though those hurt much more. Finally, if you have a problem with chickens living in your walls and coming out at night and laying eggs everywhere, it’s probably finally a good time to call that exterminator and have him spray for chickens.

Keep safe, everyone, and remember: Eggs desire nothing more than to see you die horribly.

Getting Along with the Taliban

John Kerry let it slip that we’re trying to reach a settlement with the Taliban. I thought the agreement we were going to reach with the Taliban, though, was that they’d all be dead. Everyone gets along great with dead Taliban. They never harbor terrorists, don’t oppress anybody, and are nice and quiet. Plus they have lots of uses:

* Scarecrows
* Crash-test dummy
* Paper weights
* Seat-filler for awards shows
* 2nd person for carpool lanes
* Thing to shove into oil well to try and stop a leak
* Doorstop
* Chicago voter

And when you’re done with them, they go six feet underground for convenient storage.

See, everyone loves dead Taliban! With all the uses, I don’t even know why we kept them alive in the first place. Maybe people are afraid that if we kill them all, they’ll come back as zombies. That’s a silly fear; I believe we have more to worry about with vampires in that region.

The Ground Zero Teachable Moment

I think this whole Ground Zero mosque (which isn’t at ground zero and isn’t a mosque except that it is) taught us that some imams still need lessons in cultural sensitivity. They have all of America to build a mosque, yet somehow they pick the one place that it’s going to be a problem. And when everyone is like, “Why don’t you just move it a couple blocks?” the imam starts screaming and crying and throwing a tantrum. And liberals never like being left out of a tantrum, so they come in and start doing self-righteous lectures which is like the adult version of a tantrum. And now we have all these dumb, screaming children on our hands.

Anyway, with tantrums, we have to stand firm and say, “No!” That’s the only way imams and liberals will learn. Maybe we can put them in the corner for a timeout; I guess that would be Maine.

Random Thoughts

Grayson really is what would happen if you grabbed a random internet troll and made him a Congressman.

Slogan for Grayson’s Opponent: “Punch Alan Grayson in his big, stupid, fat face in November. Also, vote against him.”

It’s not a mosque, and it’s not at ground zero. And it’s not even in New York. And I don’t even think there is a faith called “Islam.”

Why do people think Obama is a Muslim? We all know very well he’s from whatever religion it is that thinks the CIA invented AIDS.

The Andy Levy hosted RedEye with ombudswoman S.E. Cupp was awesome. I hope they never rescue Greg Gutfeld from that well.