I’m Sorry You Made Us Bomb You

So the State Department has said they won’t apologize for bombing Hiroshima. That’s good, because I’m pretty sure we didn’t do it by accident. If we did do it by accident, I’d be okay with an apology.

“Hey, Japan we’re all like sorry for hitting you with an atomic bomb. It was meant for Mongolia, but we totally got our wires crossed and got you guys instead. Sorry dudes. Here’s a coupon for free cheesy sticks with your next order of pizza.”

Also, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the State Department who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. At least, I don’t think it was. Do we give them atomic weapons? Because if we do, I should probably reevaluate how I’m always pointing and laughing at them.

It would be kinda funny, though, if we went to Hiroshima and apologized for bombing Nagasaki.

“Sixty-five years ago we dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I would like to apologize for bombing Nagasaki. That was wrong. They weren’t a bunch of jerks like Hiroshima; it was out of line.”

I hope Japan has learned the appropriate lessons from being atomic bombed, though, which is: Be sweet. If you’re nice and sweet to everyone, you don’t get atomic bombed. But if you’re mean, then boom! So be sweet.

Good lesson for all countries.


  1. So, how does one get up every morning and hold your head up being a member of the ONLY country to be atomic bombed? It’s like, wow you were like totally Nuked dudes! And you look around at all the evil doers in the world and you think to yourself, wow we were like totally Nuked and must have really been douche bags for that to happen! We should send some extra “thanks for not atomic bombing us this year” money!

  2. Did you hear about that dude who died recently who is the only person known to have survived both a-bombs? He was on business in Hiroshima when the first bomb came, so he said, “Later, dudes” and went home to Nagasaki. I guess that’s crap luck or good luck depending upon how you look at it.

  3. Have they also apologized for the fire bombing of Dresden, Germany with 3,900 tons of Incendiary bombs? The Dems deliberatly turned the city center (full of women children and hospitals) into a raging inferno as they FED THE FIRE with 10,000 lb. fire bombs.

    That was one of the most sub-human mass murders in history! But what do you expect from Democrats and Liberals? In the USA they murder (feed to their God Moloch) more than 3,300 babies each and everyday.

  4. Should we also apologize for not invading Japan and for not filling their islands with bodies, destroyed houses, and unexploded artillery shells? Or should we apologize for not blockading Japan with our submarines, battleships, and aircraft, leaving her to a slow death from starvation?

  5. I am in total agreement. We should not be apologizing for bombing the country who brought us great moments in history like, oh I don’t know, Pearl Harbor. Has Japan apologized for that or for torturing and killing soldiers. Seems like we should just call it even.

  6. yeah but will they apologize
    for putting an Illegal Alien and Communists in the White House?
    and for deliberatly destroying the Economy to bring on Cloward-Piven-ism?
    and for electing a False Messiah and bringing Gods wrath onto America?
    and for the cold blooded murder of over 50 million innocent babies?

    NO! They won’t. Because they did those things on purpose

  7. @EnemyoftheState:

    My branch was the Army. And, like you, I haven’t been able to find the Army Air Force. But, I’ll take a crack at that apology for Japan. Let’s see…

    “Hey, Japan. So, you want an apology for that whole atom bombing thing, huh? Well, I’d like to apologize for us dropping two atom bombs on you. We only had three, you see. We used one up when we a-bombed New Mexico. So, we only had two left use use on you.

    I’m sorry we didn’t use all three. And I’m sorry it took so long to build more bombs. I wish we could have built the bombs we gave to the Navy for Operation Crossroads earlier and used them to bomb the crap out of more of your cities.

    Next time we have a war with you, I pledge to do everything I can to make sure we use a helluva lot more than two nuclear bombs on you.”

    How’s that?

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  9. MarkoMancuso says:
    Funny like a guy in a cheap conservative suit….

    Actually I really am a conservative. Lately I have been wearing my Alex Jones/Libertarian Clown suit for a bit of kooky conspiracy fun!

  10. Prior to the classless disgrace, the U.S. has had a great relationship with Japan. They bomb us, we nuke them, they feed our president, he pukes on the emperors shoes. Ahh good times.

    Now this clown apologizes instead of, say, leaking or pooing on the carpet. I really hate monkeys. Ooops, sorry! simians.

  11. It makes sense that they would demand an apology from the State Department. The SD is in charge of relations with other countries, meaning Obama filled it with worthless sniveling liberals. Now, if *I* were part of the state department, I’d say something like “Oh, that wasn’t my department. That’s the military. I’ll help you out: I’ll have the US military-yes, the WHOLE military-over there asap so you can ask nicely for an apology. I’m so helpful!”. I would be cool.

  12. If I were President, I’d probably fill the State Department with worthless liberals, too. I mean think about it. It’s just tradition that you have at least one cabinet member from the other party, and do you really want Democrats in charge of anything involving national security, the treasury, or the welfare of our children? No. Furthermore, the State Department requires people with the unique ability to call evil gnomes like Kim Jong Il “your excellency” without breaking into a laugh. Where are you going to find a conservative who can do that? I tell you, the State Department is basically built for liberals, and some amount of their embarrassing behavior is just unavoidable.

    (This is why we should follow up all State Department visits to potentially-hostile countries with an uninvited visit by the Marine Corps.)

  13. The State Dept has ALWAYS been full of idiots, a shame really, but if you think about it, who is better at lying, Socialists or Conservatives? And since most foreign relations are dog & pony shows it kinda makes sense.

  14. In view of Japans behavior toward, and treatment of, prisoners of war, civilian internees, and all people who unfortunate enough to fall into the clutches of the Japanese during the war years…I’d say they deserve no apology from us, ever, period, end of story.

  15. First they can apologize for Pearl Harbor. Then they can apologize to the people of Nanking and the rest of the raped and pillaged people of China. Then, according to the unwritten law of Hara-Kiri, they must detonate a nuclear bomb of their own manufacture in downtown Tokyo.

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