The Solution to Racism

In my new Pajamas Media column, I solve the problem of racism once and for all. The world is lucky I’m a super, extra, double genius.


  1. Well I see the so-called ‘Liberals’ as a separate distinct humanoid SPECIES that has evolved (backward) from Homo Sapiens. Does that make me a racist?

    The real problem is that about 20 percent of our population is genetically inclined or pre-disposed to become LIBERALS (also known as communists, socialists, anarchists, leftists, democrats, fascists, international socialists, ect).

    or as George Irbe puts it:
    …The Left is very much like a virus that can never be eradicated. It can only be kept under control. Only recently, I came across a book by David Horowitz which confirms almost all the deductions I have made about Leftists in this essay.

    Like greed and envy, Leftism is indeed a generally undesirable character trait which is commonly found throughout the human species. And like envy, it is quite likely that Leftism is the modern manifestation of ancient tribalism, something so primitive that it has become a part of the genetic pattern of the race. Like other undesirable genetic traits, then, it can never be eradicated but can only be contained and discredited as the bad idea that it is. Leftism is the deadly enemy of what Friedrich Hayek calls the Great Society and Karl Popper the Open Society. Both terms denote the modern liberal democracy which is the only workable model for advancing civilization. One would think that the horrid Leftist experiences of the 20th century would have guaranteed an emphatic and universal renunciation of Leftism and a strict isolation of Leftist ideas from the main-stream of society. But such is not the case. To the contrary, the crimes of the Left have been ignored and already forgotten by the collective memory of mankind. Not surprisingly, then, the Left is now flourishing better than ever. We should get ready for the inevitable next attempt to impose the Leftist ideas on society by violent means….” George Irbe – Leftists
    – – – – – end quote

    The ‘Liberal Gene’ is like the ‘Alcoholic Gene’ some have it and some don’t. If you have the ‘Liberal Gene’ and if you are over exposed to CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ect.. they is a good chance you will become a Liberal and a Racist that hates Whitey.

    The real solution to Racism is to eradicate the undesirable genetic character trait known as Liberalism

  2. I could almost forgive the Puedams for their atrociously silly hats, but the fact that they live on stolen land is just much too much to bear. Millions of years ago, Puedamia was inhabited exclusively by a tribe of spider monkeys. I won’t be satisfied until the Puedams give up the remaining 1/3 of their island that they haven’t already ceded to the spider monkey tribe. If this requires mass suicide of the Puedams, well, then, sobeit. Goodbye to them, their silly hats and their democratic form of government.

  3. The Puedams story was a thinly veiled and pathetic excuse to attack the Irish. Frank, your anti-Irish bias makes me sick…which makes me drink Guiness, red wine, and lots of after dinner whiskey…which makes me crazy and read terrible verbal assualts on the Irish….which makes me sick……..

    How do I get off this merry-go-round?

    Wait, I’m Irish….I like it this way. So put up your dukes!

  4. Y’know, I was laughing and thinking, “Man, this is freakin’ brilliant humor!” until a strange and terrible thought occurred to me:

    The Puedam solution is perfectly rational, and would probably work.

  5. Its also what the left here does with conservatives. Its also what large numbers of protestants do with a few revolving groups. They are all just trying to keep their many factions from becoming to fractious.

    Hate, fools use it to keep their people together.

  6. I think Racism should become a new flavor of ice cream. It is Vanilla bean, chocolate, and vanilla choc chip but all 3 are kept in separate sections. It could be the new Neapolitan. mmmm cold delicious racism.

  7. Not only do the damn Puedams have those evil stupid hats, they’re all liberals, which increases their stupid rating to stratospheric heights on the stupid scale. That’s why they’re broke and looking to invade and tax us. I have it on good authority Obama is a Puedam in disguise sent to soften us up for when they do invade us. Biden and Pelosi are also Puedams in disguise. It all makes sense to me know!

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