Make a Funny, Win a Tripod

Geez, I gotta check my e-mail more often. Sorry about the late notice.

Brian of Snapped Shot and EvilFeed is giving away a tripod to the commenter who can make him laugh hardest.

The kind folks at National Geographic and Energizer are looking to give away this fantastic tripod to one lucky winner—And we here at Snapped Shot get to pick who that’s going to be. I’d pick one of you at random, but that wouldn’t be fair. So here’s what we’re going to do:

Click on down in the Comments field below, and leave me a funny comment. It could be a story, it could be a joke, I don’t really care what it is—But you’ve got until next Monday, the 6th of September, to make me laugh. The reader who does that wins the shiny new tripod above, thanks to the kindness of National Geographic and Energizer!

Leave teh funneh over at Brian’s place, and be quick about it!

Capitalist Propaganda: “Greed”

From 1979, economist Milton Friedman goes knuckles to nuts against Phil Donahue with “Greed”:

[YouTube direct link]

Two things struck me while watching this:

1) Liberal talking points haven’t changed.

2) There was once a time in this nation when liberal talk show hosts allowed conservative guests to finish making their points.

Take some notes, Chris Matthews.


Brian of I Salute You has honored IMAO with the “This Site Is Approved By Official Iranian Salute Guy” Award.

Another corrupt regime genuflects before the might of IMAO!

Still waiting for a bow from Obama, but that’s probably just a matter of time.


To join the exclusive club of blogs who honor IMAO and have your award featured on our sidebar with a link to your blog, make up a fancy award image honoring IMAO, blog about it, and drop a link in the comments.

Keep it PG-13, and if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, your award will be duly noted in a post, and placed in the sidebar with a link to your site.

As added incentive for people to honor IMAO with worthless, made-up awards, those who do so may proudly display this worthless, made-up Participant Ribbon:

If you don’t have a blog, then send your image to and include a link to one of your favorite IMAO posts.

For the Photoshop-impaired, here’s a guide to making mediocre fake pictures with Microsoft Paint

Or try the free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum sidebar image width is 190 pixels. Please make sure text is at least barely legible at that size.

Now get honoring!


In a comment thread regarding the Ground Zero mosque, Fishboy feigns ignorance:

I’m still bemused – no-one seems to be able to say *why* it’s poor taste.

Fishboy – let me take a stab at this:

They’re building a Muslim house of worship at a site where innocent Americans were killed by Muslim terrorists.

If 9/11 were the work of Irish terrorists, building an Irish pub there would be in poor taste for the same reason.