A Few Dollars More

So Obama is asking to spend $50 billion more to get the economy going. So I guess the last trillion he spent didn’t do anything, but this next $50 billion is totally going to fix the economy. So who is actually dumb enough to believe Obama any idea whatsoever of how to help the economy? I think much more disturbing than the number of people who think Obama is Muslim is the number of people who still think he’s competent.

This is why we need the “Party of No” in power — or better yet, the Party of “Shut up, stupid!” If the Republicans controlled both the House and Senate, then anytime Obama proposed some idiotic new idea, the Republicans would just say, “Shut up, stupid!” and that would be the end of it. I don’t know why Democrats thought branding the Republicans the “Party of No” would hurt them. Doing nothing doesn’t cost anything.

If You Want to Help the Economy, Do Something About the Whiners

So Obama is going to raise taxes on those making over $250,000, so there goes any suggestion that actually helping the economy might ever be more important to Obama than the brain dead liberal agenda. And what does he need more tax money for? When did whether he could afford things actually start to be important?

So when we’re hurting for jobs, we’re going to take more money away from the people who actually create jobs to go into the giant black hole that is the federal government under Obama. And some people — the whiners –won’t even care that will hurt the economy as long as the rich get hurt too. You want my strategy to stimulate the economy? We tell the whiners we accidentally dropped a Snickers bar in a cannon. And when they climb in the cannon to get the Snickers bar — BOOM! — we seal up a crate around the cannon and ship it out of the country. And here’s the thing: The Snickers bar was really in my pocket the whole time.

I bet you’re thinking, “Why don’t you just fire the whiner out of the cannon?” I looked into doing that, and it ends up there was too many regulations around the amount of gunpowder that would be involved. But think of how our economy would flourish if we could fire all the whiners out of cannons; it would make the 80s look like a recession in comparison.

I’d Rather Korans Not Get Burned and I’d Rather People Not Get Violent If They Were

So some guy is planning to burn Korans on 9/11 and it’s this big international thing with everyone condemning it. If some guy were going to burn Bibles, we’d be like, “I guess it’s Tuesday.” I mean, we’re just used to offenses like that and know to shrug them off, but the assumption is that Muslims are much lesser than civilized people — like children but violent — and moronic, violent behavior has to be expected as a result of this.

Now, I think burning Korans is a jerky thing to do. It’s sort of an infantile, “Look how offensive I’m being!” I mean, refute the Koran, but burning it is just silly. It makes it look like we’re scared of it like Saudi Arabia is with the Bible. Plus, the whole point is to cause conflict, and the guy doing it says he’s a pastor but that doesn’t sound very Christany.

At the same time, Muslims have to get offended sometimes and learn to shrug it off. That’s part of being in the civilized world, and if Muslims can’t take it then they have to stay seated at the kiddie table and don’t get to be equal with everyone else. It’s also just beyond absurd with all the people being murdered in the Middle East and our troops and innocent civilians getting killed over there, a couple books being burned is what gets everyone all offended. Plus, being able to offend people and not be murdered for it is an important American right, and more people need to stick up for that.

At this point, I almost hope the Koran burning goes down just so everyone can learn to shrug it off. I mean, if it happened and there was nothing but the verbal condemnation, wouldn’t that be a huge step forward. That would improve people’s perceptions of Muslims a lot more than some mosque at Ground Zero.

Random Thoughts

Remember when rabbits attempted a violent coup against Jimmy Carter? I wonder how things would be different now if they succeeded.

Hollywood has to be the only thing in the private sector that rivals the government in wasteful spending. Everyone is struggling to get by these days, but Hollywood is like, “Here’s $200 million to make a movie of the boardgame Battleship.” Why not just set the money on fire and film the pretty colors?

So if I denounce the pastor who plans to publicly burn Korans, does that mean I hate the 1st Amendment?

One thing I don’t like about burning Korans is it looks like we’re scared of it. We shouldn’t be like Saudi Arabia and the Bible.

Still, I guess I should loudly proclaim I support the 1st Amendment right to burn Korans before people call me an Amendment hater.

If Muslims across the world act calmly and politely to Korans being burned, they’ll really make that pastor look stupid and mean.

So what’s the chance the next Chicago mayor won’t exemplify the absolute worst in American politics?

I ain’t got time to bleed. Or proofread.

Anyone think this “Parker-Spitzer” show might be CNN’s cry for help? Can’t imagine another explanation.

I dream of the day we can stop treating the Middle East like a bunch of children we have to constantly worry about upsetting.

I think the next step for CNN is to hand over Larry King’s show to MeggieMac.

It’s fun to be emotionally invested in a sports team. Especially when they don’t suck.

While you’re condemning stuff, make sure to also condemn Muslims who get violent over things that don’t directly hurt anyone.

What offends me most is the expectation of violence from Korans being burnt.