Now Democrats are saying don’t elect someone who supports Democrats

In Alabama’s State Senate district 27, there’s an interesting battle going on.

The Democrat Party nominee is 8-term incumbent, Ted Little.

The Republican Party nominee is Tom Whatley.

What makes this so interesting is that the Democrat is criticizing the Republican by saying he’s really a Democrat.

[Direct link]
Tip: Doc’s Political Parlor and Home of Lawn Mower Repair

It’s not that Ted Little’s ad is making any false claims. As far as I can tell, the ad is true.

But it’s funny to see a Democrat criticizing an opponent … by calling him a Democrat.

Little, the Democrat, is saying don’t vote for the Republican because the Republican supports Democrats and you don’t want someone who supports Democrats winning this election!

This is certainly an interesting political year.

The Answer

FrankJ recently pondered:

50 years from now, I wonder what Segways will look like.

Ponder no more:

[YouTube direct link]

Via I Hate My Cubicle!!! [Caution: Site may contain content not suitable for work or children]

Question of the Day

So, how many seats do you think Republicans will pick up in the House this November? I’m not trying to get my hopes up and will just predict they’ll get a majority, but I was wondering what everyone else is expecting.

Blue on Blue

So apparently Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy were big rivals. That’s the sort of conflict where you hope sides would lose. And they are both losers, so yay.

I always wondered why we didn’t get government health care back in the pre-Reagan Revolution days when giant new social programs were devastating the country, and I guess it was because of infighting. Carter tried to do a big health care program similar to Obamacare, but Kennedy blocked it because he didn’t want Carter to have a major success. So Kennedy was more concerned with himself and personal grudges than liberal legislation he thought would help the country? Who would have thought that — other than everyone other than brain-dead liberals, I mean?

Now, we have Obama ruining things because he wants some big legislation accomplishment. This obviously wasn’t the time for a health care bill, but what it was time for was some pretty subtle legislation to help the economy that probably wouldn’t have played well in the history books. The best president would be somebody who wouldn’t care if he was immediately forgot the day he left office, but people like that don’t run for office in the first place.

Oh, and bloated, entitled sociopaths who drown women and run away from the scene of the crime also don’t make good politicians.

RINO Detection

With this whole Christine O’Donnell thing, there have been a lot of accusations of people being RINOs being thrown about. Even evil Republican schemer Karl Rove is being accused of being a RINO for criticizing O’Donnell.

What I think we need is some definitive test to detect RINOs. RINOs can look just like us most of the time which can make it hard to detect them. What we’ll need is a test designed to provoke emotional responses about freedom, tax cuts, and Reagan, and then we can detect the subtle differences in RINOs in their breathing patterns and how their pupils dilate. So the test will look something like this:

Hopefully RINOs won’t be as violent when discovered (or decide to run as independents), but that’s some of the kinks we’ll have to work out of the system.

Random Thoughts

BREAKING: Thanks to the Democrats’ new logo, Alvin Greene is now ahead by eight points in the latest poll.

O’Donnell does seem like a complete nut so I don’t expect her to win by more than a couple percentage points.

Just remember, if you vote to reelect Barack Obama, you’re being needlessly mean to Michelle.

Woot today is a Zune for you hipster types who like to be ironic.

My analysis: Even if O’Donnell is a bit kooky and turns off some people, she can still beat Coons if she gets more votes.

I’ve programmed my robot to destroy RINOs… AIEE! IT’S KILLING ALL HUMANS!

Robots do that no matter what you program them, so don’t read too much into it.

Jon Stewart is going to have a rally? Is it going to be a million man march or just have enough smugness for that many people?

Brandin’ ‘Em Like Cattle

Well, howdy!!! Seems the folks over yonder at the DNC, or as they preferred to be called nowadays, “The Circle D” have come up with a fancy new brandin’ logo to paste on all them mindless cattle what like to vote for ’em. Mercy sakes alive, they’s even tellin’ the cattle to pay to brand themselves for ’em! What a riot!

Trouble is tho’, their new logo really ain’t all that fancy at all. In fact, it seems downright bland if you ask me! But, seein’ as how our very own Harvey noticed a certain similarity ‘tween their “fancy” new logo and Sir Thomas Crapper’s great contribution to human civ’lization, I got to thinkin’ maybe they’d like some help mooovin’ that there merchandise they’s a-sellin’, so I whupped up a few bumper stickers fer ’em based on Harvey’s much more eye-pleasin’ redesign! Let me know what y’all think…

Ya know, one thing keeps on a-botherin’ me about that new logo. It seems a might too familiar…

Wait a minute…

Almost there…

That’s it!

I knew I’d seen it somewhere’s before! Them Democrats is as sneaky as rattlesnakes and twice as slipp’ry! Best mind yourselves when wanderin’ near ’em, I always say.

Cross-posted at America is an Obamanation!