loldemocratlogo! Part 1

This week, your job was to mock the Democrats’ new logo/motto:

A LOT of good entries, and since this is a one-shot, I’d hate to leave a dozen gems on the cutting room floor. I’ll post Part 2 this weekend. I’m saving some of the best ones for then, so don’t miss it.

And next Tuesday, we’ll pick up where we left off with lolbama!

Here’s my first batch of favorites:

From Corona:

From Dan:

From FormerHostage:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Kris:

[reference link]

From Kris:

From Kris:

From Larsinkima:

From NephewSam:

From Paul of Mean Ol’ Meany:

[reference link – NSFW! And you will be scarred forever if you search for the image]

From Proof of Proof Positive (more images at the link):

From The Jinxmedic:

From Travelwise 42 of Wise Up!:

More to follow…

More of a Bad Thing

President Obama’s solution to failing schools: Longer school year. That’s like saying there’s not a lot of nutritional value in a Twinkie, so we have to eat a lot more of them. And just ask Michelle Obama what she thinks about eating more Twinkies: She’ll say it makes you worse than Hitler.

Having the government decide what your kids are supposed to learn in a free country has always been a square peg shoved in a round hole, but the problem is less the indoctrination than the sheer incompetence. Educating your kids is very important, so it’s the exact sort of thing you don’t want bureaucrats anywhere near. But each year education just gets more and more run by the career idiots who make up our government, and the best they’ve done now is make all school more equitable in that they’re all becoming miserable.

The thing is, the big education problem is that we have so many kids without parental support, and a better school breakfast program isn’t even going to make a dent in that. I don’t know how that happened, but the rise in the breakdown of the family did interestingly seem to correspond with big new government programs implemented in the sixties. Maybe the solution is less big government programs, but you sure aren’t going to hear the suggestion from Obama.

Does Voting for Democrats Kill?

Liberals are always trying to tie crime to gun laws — and failing since the highest crime ends up in cities with the strictest gun laws — but have they ever checked violent crime versus voting Democrat? Now, I haven’t had time for a full study, but I bet there is a really strong correlation between violent crime and voting for Democrats. I don’t know how to get the data to prove it, though, but here is a list of U.S. cities with the most violent crime and here’s a list of the top 25 most liberal and conservative cities. I notice a lot of the liberal cities rank high on the list of cities with violent crime while few conservative cities are on the list and if they are there are quite low on it (can you think of any city that has a lot of crime and is Republican leaning?). Proving the rule, think of how bad crime was in New York City back when it last had Democrats as mayor and how crime hugely fell after electing a Republican.

Anyway, we need further data, but I think the result will be that on ballots there should be a warning next to any Democrat saying “Voting for this person may cause violent death.”

If the Democrat Base Didn’t Whine, Would They Cease to Be the Democrat Base?

So Biden told the Democrat base to “stop whining”. Isn’t that like telling a football team to stop passing? I mean, that’s like half their play book. Whine about tea parties, whine about Glenn Beck, whine about Palin, whine about how Obama needs to be more liberal… without whining, about all they have left is impotent rage, and that’s even worse. And what’s Biden going to tell the base next? Stop having disdain for the average American? Don’t freak out if people feel passionately about different viewpoints than your own? Soon all the Democrat base will have nothing left but to sit quietly in their basements — which would actually be a huge help to the electability of Democrat politicians but is probably an unrealistic expectation.

The problem the Democrats have had is that while they want their base to vote and donate money, those people hugely creep out Americans at large. If more Americans actually checked out the Daily Kos and realized this is who Democrat politicians suck up to, they’d be completely done with them. So Democrats need to keep the base happy while completely ignoring them and doing their best to make sure no one hears what they say. Here’s an idea: Democrats can just take the policy ideas of their base and implement them in 2nd Life and then try to convince their base that’s the real world. They’ve believed much dumber things.

Random Thoughts

Anyone do a study on the correlation between cities that vote heavily Democrat and violent crime? I’m wondering if voting for Dems kills.

Correlation = Causation if you really really want it to. Science!

Will Biden telling base to stop whining get Democrats to the polls? Only time will tell. Also, I’ll tell you: No.