She’ll Swallow Your Soul!

Here’s a photo of Hillary Clinton from her appearance in Paranormal Activity 2:

Eh, still find Obama to be scarier these days.

What Will Destroy the Universe

Here’s some Science! for you: “Scientists” “predict” that the universe has a 50% chance of ending suddenly sometime in the next 3.7 billion years from some unknown catastrophe. It’s based on physics breaking down if the universe is infinite so time has to end some point… though I have no idea why the time frame — it is science journalism. Still, if an unpredictable calamity is going to destroy the universe, there’s only one thing we can do: Try to predict what it is!


* Too many people trying to divide by zero on their calculators.

* Dogs and cats living together.

* Hippies going unpunched.

* The man in black getting off the island.

* People pestering Fred Thompson.

* A truck carrying Mentos colliding with a truck carrying Diet Pepsi.

* The finite variable for storing the universe’s time resets.

* God gets at angry at not enough Korans being burned.

* Marty McFly is unable to reunite his parents.

* It gets eaten by a grue.

What If Liberals Stopped Mocking the Tea Parties?

This blog post by Stanley Fish in the New York Times blog is really close to having a clue. He argues that liberals are only making the Tea Parties stronger by mocking them and the only possible way to defeat them is to accept them as a legitimate viewpoint and argue with them intellectually. The main problem with that idea is isn’t the point of trying to dismiss the Tea Parties as racist, trying to dismiss them as possibly violent, or just mocking them in general is that deep down the left understands that they are on the losing side of the argument and need to do all they can to avoid the argument. The more people learn about Obamacare, the more unpopular it becomes. And as for the attempts at economic stimulus, all we have is much higher unemployment (with an unverifiable claim of millions of invisible jobs created) and tons more debt. What is the left’s intellectual argument right now? “It sure looks like we’re making things way worse, but just trust us that we’re super-smart and help us make the government bigger, more intrusive, and spend even more money!”

Still, this isn’t to say liberals wouldn’t be doing better if they stopped being dismissive and actually listened to other people’s viewpoints and argued with them as equals. But it’s one of those sine qua non things where if a liberal wasn’t dismissive of other viewpoints, would he cease to be a liberal?

Random Thoughts

As divisive as the political environmental may seem, it’s not historically bad until politicians start shooting each other.

I’ve had nightmares about being trapped in a confined space with Jimmy Carter vomiting on me.

Weight Loss Tip: Hanging a scowling picture of Michelle Obama on the wall really makes you self-conscious when eating junk food.

Item for bucket list: Slowly walk away while something explodes behind me.

I stared at someone’s head and it exploded. How many more times do I need to do it to be scientifically certain it wasn’t a coincidence?

Ends up Chris Christie hasn’t helped New Jersey; all his budget cuts have been offset by increased spending on bacon.

I really like Chris Christie, but fat jokes are too easy! Help me stop!

Someone asked if I trademarked “punching a hippie”. That would be like trademarking hugging a puppy.

Only way I’ll get excited for a new Star Wars release is if I hear George Lucas has nothing to do with it.

I have the feeling that seeing Jar Jar Binks’s hijinks in 3D will only make me more murderous.

The left is fine with Obama being condescending to Americans at large, but they’re not going to put up with him being condescending to them.